Swing away - pivot mount installation instructions – Curtis 175 User Manual
Page 20

August 2001
Swing Away - Pivot Mount
Installation Instructions
Step 1. Insert upper & lower pivot rails into main frame of
spreader. Line up the pre-punched holes on the pivot
rail with the main frame, then bolt together. Holes are
pre-determined and can be relocated if spreader is
not centered on vehicle.
Step 2. Locate top bed rail mounting brackets and set on top
of pickup bed rails; Center by moving out towards the
bumper. Maintain a minimum of 2” clearance between
tailgate and spreader.
Step 3. Locate left & right bumper brackets. The left side or
the pivot side will have a two piece system that will
act as the hinge for the spreader. (See fig. D) The
right side will have a two-piece system that will be the
latching side. (See fig. H). Attach pivot tube and latch
bar to the bumper plates using the posts as centering
guides. Line up with the bed rail brackets. Be sure
that the tailgate will open before locating any of these
brackets permanently. Make sure bumper brackets
are parallel to the lower main frame so that everything
will be straight. After aligning all pieces, mark & drill
holes using the bumper plates as a guide. (As seen in
Fig. A) Once holes have been drilled, bolt securely to
bumper. Note: Use a minimum of 3 holes.
Step 4. Locate toggle bolt assembly and install on left and
right upper bed rail brackets as seen in (Fig. B).
Position toggle bolt (Fig. C) to keep in position while
tightening. Pull up on the bracket to keep a slight
amount of pressure on the toggle bolt. * NOTE *::
When tightening toggle bolt assembly, do not exceed
30 foot pounds of torque, or you may damage toggle
assembly. Take the two 3” full threaded bolts and
screw into bottom of bed rail brackets. Use rubber tip
protectors on bolt end as seen in (Fig. E). Torque
bolts down using a hand ratchet only - you may also
want to use a small amount of blue removable thread
locker. Do this only as a final assembly once you
have a proper tailgate clearance established.
Step 5. Now that the lower bumper brackets and upper bed
rail brackets are mounted, you will now need to check
both the pivot tube assembly and latch bar to see if
these need to be cut down. Due to the variety of truck
bumpers, bed rail heights, etc. We made these two
parts intentionally too long. On the pivot side you will
need to align the top of the pivot tube hole to the left
side bed rail bracket hole. Trim off the amount need-
ed with a cut off saw.
Step 6. Put this piece aside for now. Now that you have the
pivot side assembly cut to length, mount spreader
main frame assembly to truck. With an assistant,
place pivot side of spreader on truck. Take pivot tube
assembly and insert through pivot rails to the bumper
plate locator tube. Take and bolt the upper pivot tube
assembly to the bed rail bracket. (Make sure bed rail
bracket is secure) Swing spreader until both support
pads on lower main frame rail are completely on the
bumper. Drill a 5/16” hole, (as seen in Fig. D) and bolt
lower portion of pivot tube assembly. This will now
complete pivot side installation.
Step 7. The latching side will be done the same way, except
that you will need to mount the locator bracket to the
right side bed rail bracket (see Fig F, G, H). Once you
have completed, trim flush with the top of the locator
bracket. After cutting bar to proper length, drill a 1/2”
hole in mounting bar. Bolt the upper portion and the
lower portion of the latching bar.
Step 8. Locate latching rails and insert into spreader main
frame, position the latch rails so they are latched to
the latching bar. Center latching bar in the pocket of
the end of the latch rail. (see Fig. F) This will insure
proper latching when closing spreader.
Step 9. Using an assistant or a large vice grip to insure rails
do not move, drill three 3/8” holes using the pre-
punched holes as a guide. Repeat this process for
the lower rail also. Bolt together. This completes the
latch side of the pivot mount.
Step 10. Drill four more 3/8” holes as seen in (Fig I) to stiffen
the whole frame/rail system. Bolt together. This will
insure minimum frame deflection under extreme load
Step 11. Make sure spreader is level and clear from the tail-
gate when closed. You can make minor adjustments
by loosening the bed rail brackets (one at a time) and
trimming the unit out. Also at this time you may want
to apply a small amount of removable thread locker to
insure the bolts stay secure.
Step 12. Lube zerk fittings on pivot tubes.
Step 13. IMPORTANT: When installing a Fast-Cast 4000 or if
any movement is noticed with the bed rail brackets
due to weakness or altered conditions of pickup bed,
drill and bolt thru the pre-punched holes located on
the sides of the bed rail brackets and bolt securely.
Step 14. After first use tighten all nuts and bolts on mount
and spreader.