Vintage Cellars Wine Guardian Humidifier Quick Start User Manual
Vintage Cellars Equipment

1. Unpack the unit
A. Remove unit from box. Check for
any signs of concealed damage. Be
sure all optional brackets have been
included. Contact Wine Guardian
immediately if components are
missing or unit has been damaged
in shipping.
2. Installing Integrated humidifier
A. Turn the Wine Guardian ON/OFF
switch to the OFF position. (Fig. A)
B. Remove side access cover at the
evaporator section of unit (section
with supply and return ductwork to
wine room). (Fig. B)
C. Remove the humidifier adapter
plate from the humidifier box and
secure it to the side access opening
using the eight (8) machine screws
provided with the humidifier kit.
(Fig, C)
D. Slide the humidifier onto the studs
located on the adapter plate and se-
cure using the eight (8) nuts pro-
vided with humidifier kit. (Fig. D)
E. Attach 1/4” (0.6cm) water supply
line at top of humidifier. (Fig. E)
F. Attach 1/2” (1.3cm) drain line at
bottom of humidifier. (Fig. F)
G. Plug in power/control wire to Wine
Guardian unit as shown at main
control panel. (Fig. G)
H. Proceed to Step 6 Controller Set up.
Install Freestanding
Humidifier—Surface Mount
A. Determine mounting location for
the humidifier within the wine cel-
lar ensuring the location has suffi-
cient access for water supply line,
drain line, power cord and service.
(Fig. A)
B. Place the mounting bracket at the
desired location and mark the
holes required to mount the
bracket to the wall. (Fig. A)
C. Attach bracket to wall using
screws provided within humidifier.
Note: Wall anchors may be re-
quired depending on wall con-
struction and stud placement.
(Fig. B)
D. Remove the humidifier front cover
plate by removing two screws lo-
cated at the base of the cover plate
and sliding the cover up and off of
the two plastic tabs at the top of
the unit. (Fig. C,D)
E. Attach 1/4 (0.6cm) water line at
top of humidifier. (Fig. E)
F. Attach 1/2” (1.3cm) drain line at
bottom of humidifier.
Note: Wa-
ter supply line and drain line
should be routed at the back side
of the unit between the mounting
bracket and humidifier chassis.
Attach to humidifier prior to
step Step G below.
G. Slide the humidifier through the
bracket and attach at the side mount-
ing locations. (Fig. G,H)
H. Re-install the humidifier front cover
plate by sliding the cover over the
two top plastic tabs and securing at
the bottom of the humidifier with two
screws. (Fig. I, J)
I. Plug in power/control wire to Wine
Guardian unit as shown at main con-
trol panel. (Fig. K)
J. Proceed to Step 6 - Controller set-up.
3. Install Freestanding humidifier—
Through-the-wall or within racking
A. Mark the opening for a 16” x 14.5”
clearance. (Fig. A)
B. Cut opening in wall or provide suffi-
cient opening within racking system to
accommodate the humidifier. (Fig. B)
C. Remove the humidifier front cover plate
by removing two screws located at the
base of the cover plate and sliding the
cover up and off of the two plastic tabs
at the top of the unit. (Fig. C)
D. Secure the through wall bracket to the
perimeter of the opening at the pre-
drilled locations on the adapter using
the screws supplied with the kit. (Fig.
E. Attach 1/4” (0.6cm) water line at top of
humidifier. (Fig. E)
F. Attach 1/2” (1.3cm) drain line at bottom
of humidifier.
Note: Water supply line
and drain line should be routed
through the back side of the opening
or behind the racking prior to hu-
midifier install.
Attach to humidifier
prior to step G below.
(Fig. F)
G. Slide the humidifier through the bracket
and attach at the side mounting loca-
tions. (Fig. G, H)
H. Re-install the humidifier front cover
plate by sliding the cover over the two
top plastic tabs and securing at the bot-
tom of the humidifier with two screws.
(Fig. I, J)
I. Plug in power/control wire to Wine
Guardian unit as shown at main control
panel. (Fig. K)
J. Proceed to Step 6—controller set up.
Fig. A Fig. B.
Fig. C. Fig. D.
Fig. E. Fig. F.
Fig. C Fig. D
Fig. E. Fig. F
Fig. G Fig. H
Fig. I Fig. J
Fig. A Fig. B
Fig. C Fig. D
Fig. E Fig. F
Fig. G Fig. H
Fig. I Fig. J
Fig. K
Fig. G
Fig. K
Fig. A Fig. B