Vetter Permanent aspirator User Manual
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Vetter Permanent Aspirator
Operating instructions
Operation mode: Suction
Set the „ASPIRATOR“ switch on the panel to „ON“ and leave the
„PUMP“ switch set to „OFF“. The blocking valve, Size C, remains
The liquid is suctioned. When the container reaches full capaci-
ty, the swimmer ball will block the suction opening of the motor
head. The suction sequence is interrupted. Switch the equipment
„OFF“ using the „ASPIRATOR“ switch. Empty the tank or pump out
at another position.
Operation mode: Pump
Only pumping out takes place, the suction turbine remains swit-
ched off. Connect the pressure hose, making sure it has no bends,
to the blocking valve (Size C). Set the „PUMP“ switch on the panel
to „ON“. Open the blocking valve (Size C). The container is now au-
tomatically emptied. The dredging pump automatically switches
off after completion of the emptying process. Set the „PUMP“
switch to „OFF“- Close the blocking valve (Size C) and decouple
the pressure hose.
Operation mode: Suction and Pumping
Connect the pressure hose as described before and open the blo-
cking valve (Size C). Set both switches to „ON“. The liquid is suc-
tioned and pumped out at the same time. The dredger pump is
automatically switched on and off by the swimmer switch depen-
ding on the level of liquid in the container.
With large feed amounts, the capacity for
the suctioned liquid exceeds the
pumping capacity: The swimmer ball
then closes the suction opening of the
motor head. The suction sequence is
automatically interrupted.
Switch off the suction turbine by setting the „ASPIRATOR“ switch
on the panel to off. Due to the fact that the liquid is further pum-
ped, the swimmer ball is released after a short time (about 15 secs)
from the suction opening of the motor head. Switch on the motor
head again. The suction capacity is to be matched to the feed ca-
pacity by feeds over 4 m. To do this, proceed as follows:
1.) Withdraw the ground nozzle out of the liquid to be suctioned
before the container is filled and the swimmer ball closes the
suction opening. Only pumping takes place.