Advanced settings for advanced users, Dvanced, Ettings for – Universal Remote Control (URS) Thermo Control User Manual
Page 10: Advanced users
Thermo Control for THZ-100 Thermostat
advanced settings for advanCed Users
These settings should only Be Used By qUalIfIed
IndIvIdUals. Improper settings may cause malfunction and
damage to the climate control systems.
1. Click on View, then Show Advanced Settings.
2. a window opens to warn you of the potential damage
an unqualified programmer/user may cause.
3. If yoU are qUalIfIed, press View Settings.
4. The advanced settings screen opens.
Thermo Control for THZ-100 Thermostat
HVAC System Type:
shows three different HvaC system Types. Conventional (oil, gas, or electric), Heat Pump and Radiant Floor.
select the system type from the drop-down box.
HVAC System Stages:
shows two different drop-down boxes; one for Cooling and one for Heating.
1. within the Cooling drop-down box you have three different HVAC System Stages to choose from:
None, 1 Cooling (Single Stage) and 2 Cooling (Dual Stage). select the Cooling system stage from the
drop-down box.
2. within the Heating drop-down box you have three different HVAC System Stages to choose from:
None, 1 Heating and 2 Heating. select the Heating system stage from the drop-down box.
Filter Change Reminder
determines the amount of time between filter Change reminder in months
1. Click the Display Reminder Every drop-down box.
2. select the number of months before the reminder is displayed.