Tjernlund CPC-2 Constant Pressure Controller (Discontinued) 8504091 Rev A 03/01 User Manual

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15. With all of the appliances running and at steady state conditions, confirm the appliance draft pressures. If they all are at accept-

able draft pressures, lock the balancing damper’s positions. Confirm the draft pressures at each appliance after the dampers have
been locked in place. Record manifold draft pressure (V SET) reading measured by Transducer and each appliances draft below.


16. Unlock the keypad of the CPC-2 by depressing SAVE SETTING / SETUP / SAVE SETTING. When the keypad unlocks depress

the SETUP button. Use the INCREASE or DECREASE buttons to scroll through the setup options until VENTER PROVER is dis-
played. Activate the venter prover by depressing the SAVE SETTING button. The OFF mode will change to ON. Verify that the
display shows ON. Revert to Automatic mode by depressing the VENT DRAFT PRESSURE button on the keypad. Take note of
the vent pressure set point (V SET) ______. You will have to revert back to this set point after completing the adjustment of the
PSA-1 secondary Fan Prover. Use the DECREASE button to gradually reduce the vent pressure set point until flue gas spillage
occurs or a positive pressure is measured in one of the heating appliance vent risers.

17. Set the secondary fan prover model PSA-1 by carefully turning the adjustment set screw clockwise 1/6 of a turn. Wait 2 seconds.

If the control has not shut all of the appliances off, adjust the set screw another 1/6 of a turn clockwise and wait 2 seconds.
Repeat until the CPC-2 shuts off all of the appliances. Turn the adjustment screw the opposite direction (counter clockwise) ½
turn to avoid nuisance tripping.

18. Remove all of the appliance calls for heat at appliance disconnect. Reset the PROVER #1 FAULT by depressing SETUP and use

the INCREASE or DECREASE buttons to scroll to RESET SYSTEM FAULT. Depress the SAVE SETTING button. If this proce-
dure is correctly performed the message RESET COMPLETE will appear in the CPC-2 display. Depress the VENT DRAFT
PRESSURE button and use the INCREASE button to set the vent pressure back to the original set point (V SET) recorded in step


19. Reestablish power at each appliance disconnect and activate all of the appliances individually and make sure they light off correctly.

20. Activate all of the appliances together and allow them to reach steady state conditions. Confirm that they all are operating

correctly and have adequate draft pressure.



IMPORTANT: The Key pad must be locked to view System Status and Fault Messages.

The keypad can be unlocked by depressing SAVE SETTING / SETUP / SAVE SETTING. The default lockout time is 60 seconds from
the last key depressed. If running in Manual mode the key pad will be locked out 15 minutes after the last key is depressed and stay
in Manual mode. If running in Venter Only mode the key pad remains unlocked and will revert back to Automatic mode and become
locked after 30 minutes. This extended unlocked feature is in an effort to allow the user more time to work within these modes. At
any time during the programming procedure the key pad can be locked out by depressing the SETUP key, scroll to *LOCK OUT KEY
PAD* and depress SAVE SETTING. When the keypad is unlocked, the control will not display faults but it still has control over the
interlocked appliances. If the controller realizes a fault, it will shut off all of the appliances.

This fault message will be displayed if the control does not see a closed electrical circuit between the J12 1 & 2 terminals (#13 Circuit
Board Call Outs) on the CPC-2 board. This safety circuit may be connected in series with tilt switches, motor enclosure temperature
switches and motor winding high limits. This circuit is continually checked by the CPC-2 regardless of what state it is in. If the CPC-2
has power, it is checking this circuit. When the CPC-2 recognizes this circuit as being open, it will shut off all of the appliances and
shut off the Venter. Resetting this fault can only be accomplished by closing the open circuit. The alarm contacts at J11 1 & 2 termi-
nals (#1 Circuit Board Call Outs) will close when this fault occurs.

This fault is issued when the system pressure can not reach the pressure set point of the CPC-2 and is driven by the Pressure
Transducer. A 60 second span has been allowed from the first appliance call for heat to the time required for the manifold pressure to
reach the set point. The control confirms this function by comparing the set point in its memory to the pressure measured by the
Pressure Transducer. Possible causes for this fault are extremely long vent pipe runs, a slow performing venter, high pressure set
points, appliance interlock methods, smaller than required venters, bad Transducer or bad pressure sensing location. If the system
experiences this fault, the interlocked appliances will not be allowed to fire. The control will display the START-UP FAULT message
and shut off the venter. The control will need to be reset and the cause for the fault investigated before the control will operate cor-
rectly. This fault will only be displayed if the pressure can not be reached on the 1st appliance call.

Manifold Pressure (V SET) read by Transducer ______ “W.C.

or Pa

Appliance 1 ______

Appliance 5 ______

Appliance 9 ______

Appliance 13 ______

Appliance 2 ______

Appliance 6 ______

Appliance 10 ______

Appliance 14 ______

Appliance 3 ______

Appliance 7 ______

Appliance 11 ______

Appliance 4 ______

Appliance 8 ______

Appliance 12 ______