Tjernlund HS115-3,4,5 (Discontinued) 8505010 Rev 08/00 User Manual

Page 6

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5. The Power Venter shall not be installed where the flue gas temperature exceeds 600o F. at the Power Venter inlet. Flue gas

temperature verification:

A) Consult appliance manufacturer for flue gas temperature after dilution by the draft hood, draft diverter or barometric draft control.

B) Measure flue gas temperature at the Power Venter inlet after installation. Temperature should be measured after appliance and

Power Venter have operated for at least 15 minutes, allowing the flue gas temperature to stabilize.

6. The Power Venter must be mounted so that the shaft of the motor remains horizontal to prevent motor bearing wear.

7. Power Venter electrical box must be mounted with the Fan Proving Switch in a vertical position.

8. Ambient temperature surrounding Power Venter must not exceed 104o F.


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1. Plan the vent system so that the code required clearances are maintained from plumbing and wiring.

2. To prevent personal injury and equipment damage, disconnect power supply when working on Power Venter.

3. Make certain the power supply is adequate for Power Venter motor requirements. Do not add the Power Venter to a circuit where

the total load is unknown.

4. The installer must verify that the appliance on which the Power Venter will be installed is in a safe operating condition. Consult

appliance manufacturer’s Instructions for details.

5. Plan the vent system layout so that the Power Venter is as close to the point of termination as possible. Vent pipe between the

Power Venter and Vent Hood is acceptable. However, all vent pipe connections after the Power Venter discharge will be under pos-
itive pressure during operation and must be sealed with high-temperature caulk or aluminum vent pipe tape to prevent flue gas leak-
age into the structure.


This section only applies if using a Power Venter to Sidewall vent. If using Power Venter to exhaust the flue gases vertically, skip to
the section titled “POWER VENTER MOUNTING” on page 4.

If possible, locate the Vent Hood on a wall that does not face the direction of prevailing winds. This will diminish the possibility of
appliance interruption during periods of extreme winds.

If possible, locate the Vent Hood no closer than 3 feet from an inside corner of an L-shaped structure.


Terminate the vent system so that proper minimum clearances are maintained as cited in the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas
Code (NFPA # 54) and the latest edition of Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel Burning Appliances, (NFPA #211), or as follows:

• Not be less than 7 feet above grade when located adjacent to public walk ways.
• At least 3 feet above any forced air inlet located within 10 feet.
• At least 4 feet below, 4 feet horizontally from or 1 foot above any door, window or gravity air inlet into any building.
• At least 1 foot above grade.
• So that the flue gases are not directed so as to jeopardize people, overheat combustible structures or enter buildings, and
• Not less than 2 feet from an adjacent building.