Tjernlund HST_HS115_HSUL-J, 1, 2 Series (Discontinued) 8504060 Rev A 11/99 User Manual

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Before installing Power Venter determine location of vent system termination.


• Saber Saw or Cement Drill

• Drill

• 1/8” and 1/4” Drill Bits

• Wood or Masonry Chisel

• Blade Screwdriver or 1/4” Nut Driver • Wire Cutter/Stripper

NOTE: Termination of a Side Wall Vent System with a device other than the Tjernlund VH1 Series Vent Hood could affect system

performance and result in a possible safety hazard. Consult Vent Hood instructions for complete installation details.

If possible, locate the Vent Hood on a wall that does not face the direction of prevailing winds. This will diminish the possi-
bility of appliance interruption during periods of extreme winds and prevent oil odors caused by backdrafts.

If possible, locate the Vent Hood no closer than 3 feet from an inside corner of an L-shaped structure.


Terminate the vent system so that proper minimum clearances are maintained as cited in the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas
Code (NFPA # 54) and the latest edition of NFPA #211, or as follows:

• Not be less than 7 feet above grade when located adjacent to public walk ways.
• At least 3 feet above any forced air inlet located within 10 feet.
• At least 4 feet below, 4 feet horizontally from or 1 foot above any door, window or gravity air inlet into any building.
• At least 12 inches above grade.
• So that the flue gases are not directed so as to jeopardize people, overheat combustible structures or enter buildings, and
• Not less than 2 feet from an adjacent building.



For oil installations do not terminate HS-Series Power Venters on vinyl siding because temperatures can easily exceed 150



The SideShot® is the only Tjernlund Power Venter recommended for termination on vinyl siding when using oil.