Warning – Sage Kitchen Wizz Pro BFP800UK User Manual
Page 25

PAge heAder.....
BaSIC Food ProCeSSIng teCHnIQUeS
When slicing and shredding, always
use the food pusher to guide food down
the feed chute. Never put your fingers
or spatula into the feed chute. Always
wait for the disc to stop spinning
before removing the lid.
leafy vegetables
For cabbage, wash and shake off excess
water. Cut into wedges to fit feed chute.
For lettuce, separate leaves, wash and dry
thoroughly, then roll up and pack vertically
into feed chute. Slice or shred.
Slicing or shredding is not
recommended for spinach. To process
spinach, wash and dry thoroughly, tear
into pieces and use chopping blade or
4 blade processor.
Lettuce in chute
Sliced lettuce
deli meats
Cut the meat to fit the length of the feed
chute (no more than 14cm).
Pack into the feed chute with cut side
facing disc.
Salami in chute
Sliced salami
Remove skin from suet and cut into pieces
large enough to fit feed chute. Partially
freeze until firm otherwise it will stick to the
blades causing them to jam. Pack into the
feed chute. Shred.
Break block of chocolate into pieces.
Chill until firm. Pack into the small feed
chute. Shred.
mInI-BoWl FUnCtIon
The mini processing bowl can be positioned
inside the main processing bowl and is
used for processing small food quantities.
A mini processing blade is provided which
fits inside the mini bowl and can be used for
used for chopping, mixing and blending a
variety of foods.