Sage Kitchen Wizz Pro BFP800UK User Manual
Page 14

PAge heAder.....
aSSemBlIng yoUr neW aPPlIanCe
oVerload ProteCtIon SyStem
If the motor overloads, the food processor
will go to STANDBY mode and OVERLOAD
icon in the LCD starts to flash. The food
processor can still be switched off by
pressing the POWER/OFF button. To
operate the food processor again, allow the
machine to cool for approx 30 minutes.
Some stiff mixtures, such as dough, may
cause the dough blade to rotate more slowly
than normal. If this happens, do not process
for longer than 1 minute.
If the blades or discs should jam while
processing, ensure the POWER/OFF button
is pressed to switch the motor off. Switch
off the power outlet. Remove the processing
lid and adjust any food wedged between the
blade and the bowl or in the disc. Replace
the lid and proceed as normal. If this
occurs again, the processing bowl may be
overloaded, so remove some of the food and
process in smaller batches.
The food processor is designed so
the motor will not operate without
the processing bowl and lid are
correctly locked into position and the
pusher inserted into the feed chute.
In the event that the food processor
starts without the lid correctly locked
into position, immediately disconnect
at the power outlet and contact
Sage™ by Heston Blumenthal‰
Customer Service on 0844 334 5110
for examination.