Warning – Sage Kitchen Wizz Pro BFP800UK User Manual
Page 23

PAge heAder.....
BaSIC Food ProCeSSIng teCHnIQUeS
Caution should always be taken when
processing cheese in a food processor. For
soft cheese such as Mozzarella, place into
freezer for 20–25 minutes or until well
chilled otherwise it will jam in the blades.
For hard cheese such as Parmesan, check
first that it is not too hard otherwise it will
damage the blades - the cheese should slice
easily with a sharp knife. For round cheese
such as Mozzarella, slice one end and pack
into the feed chute so the flat end is facing
the disc. For wedge-shaped cheese, pack
2 pieces side by side into chute to form a
rectangular shape (one piece with tip facing
down, other piece with tip facing up). Shred
as desired using a gentle pushing action
SlICIng, WItH adjUStaBle
The adjustable slicer disc slices raw fruit
and vegetables to a consistent thickness
required. From fine 0.5mm to think 8.0mm
via 24 adjustable settings.
For many large processing tasks, the
adjustable slicing disc will cut the
processing time needed to achieve the
desired results. The result depends on the
type of food and how the food is positioned
into the feed chute.
For smaller foods, the small feed chute
provides greater control for
adjustable slicing.
To adjust slicing height, hold the adjustable
slicing disc outer edge with one hand, turn
the adjustment dial on the underside of the
disc to set the height.
An arrow graphic indicates the height to
which the blade is set.
There may be slight variation in slice
thickness depending on the food
being processed and force applied
with the feed chute pusher.
Do not overfill the feed chute before slicing.
The pusher will not activate the unit if the
chute is overfilled. A MAX level graphic
indicates the maximum fill level.
Adjustable Slicing Disc blade is sharp,
keep hands away from the blade.
adjustable slicer
Place the adjustable slicer onto the disc
spindle in the processing bowl.
Prepare food as directed in the
following food categories or recipes.
Pack food into the feed chute as
directed in the following food
categories. For smaller size food
leave the large pusher in place
and use the small pusher instead.
The food should fit snugly so it is
supported upright in the feed chute,
but not so tight that it prevents the
food from easily moving down the
feed chute when guided by the
food pusher.