Sage Nutri Juicer Plus BJE520UK User Manual

Page 26

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PAge heAder.....


PrEParatIon of frUIt and

VEgEtaBlES for nUtrI JUICEr™

PlUS ExtraCtor

Only soft fruits should be used with the

Nutri Juicer™ Plus Extractor.

When using fruits with hard inedible

skins, such as mangoes, pineapple or

kiwi fruit, always peel before juicing.

When using fruits with a hard core such

as pineapple, always remove this

before juicing.

All fruits with pits, hard seeds or stones

such as nectarines, peaches, mangoes

and apricots must be pitted or deseeded

before juicing.

Passionfruit pulp, peeled kiwi fruit

and berries can be processed without

removing seeds.


When using the Nutri Juicer™ Plus

Extractor, use lower speeds (speed 1

or 2). Always ensure motor is running

before adding fruit and/or vegetables

to feed tube.