Heavier tonearms, Fitting – Origin Live Sovereign MKI User Manual

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It is possible for people to set the belt tension too tight, which degrades performance. The optimum setting is where there is
enough tension to turn the platter without audible wow and flutter but no more. This makes take some experimentation.

It also aids performance to clean all the running surfaces with mentholated or surgical spirit.

Fit the platter.


Heavier tonearms

NOTE: with heavytonearms the sub-chassis may become unstable with the platter off – it can tip up and possibly damage the finish so be
carefull to hold it when removing the platter etc.


Insert your tonearm into the metal VTA sleeve located in the arm board. You can set the arm to the correct height using the setscrew located
in the arm board as shown in the photo below. This set screw clamps the VTA sleeve onto the arm board. Further to this, when clamped, it
deforms the metal sleeve sufficiently onto the arm base to allow it to clamp the arm in position.

Diagram showing the fitting of the arm to the armboard and VTA sleeve.

It doesn’t matter whether you slide the VTA sleeve up and down in the arm board to get the height right or slide the arm base in the VTA
sleeve. Both methods work fine. Note that you should NOT clamp the VTA sleeve hard when there is no arm fitted inside. If you do this,
then permanent deformation will result – the slightest of “nips” is all that is necessary. You not need to fit the large arm base nut, the serrated
washer or the knurled threaded vta adjuster supplied with some of our arms.

L E V E L L I N G T H E S U B - C H A S S I S & D E C K

Try an initial approximate levelling of the subchassis by rotating the central height adjuster. Rotating the height adjuster clockwise raises the
arm board end of the sub-chassis and vica versa. The plastic posts should be ignored because they are a fixed height. You should always take
level from the platter – A bubble level is particularly useful for this task.

Final levelling of the Sovereign can be carried out using the adjustable cork feet in the underside of the pods.

C O N N E C T T H E M O T O R D R I V E .