Modern AG Tilting Grader Blade User Manual
Page 5

C2 tilting Grader Blade - 5
This unit is designed for a wide range of applica-
tions: it may be used for scraping, leveling, grading
and backfill.
The safe operation of this unit is the responsibil-
ity of the operator, who must be properly trained
and qualified. Operators should be familiar with the
scarifier shanks, cutting edge and all safety prac-
tices before starting operation.
The tilting (C2) rear scraper blades may be mounted
on any wheeled tractor of maximum 40 HP drawbar
rating or tractor weight up to 4000 pounds.
Attach the tractor lift arm to A-frame using lift pins
(1), and secure with lynch pins (2) (not included). at-
tach the top link to the a-Frame upright and adjust
top link to achieve the desired angle. (Figure 1)
Level the main frame (3) by adjusting lift and top
links. Position sway blocks to eliminate side or in-
stall sway braces if required. (Figure 1)
NOTE: Make sure that blade is at least 6” from tractor
tires throughout the range of operation of 3-point hitch
of tractor.
the blade may be angled 360 and can be held at
0, 30, or 45 to left or right for forward grading and
0 or 15 to left or right for back filling without un-
hooking from the tractor. to angle blade, raise it a
few inches above the ground by operating the lift
control lever of the tractor. Remove the lift control
lever of the tractor. Remove the bridge pin (1) and
index pin (2). (Figure 2)
Rotate blade angle to desired position and align
blade hole with frame hole and insert index pin
(2 or 3) and spring pin (1).
The blade is reversible without removing from trac-
tor. to reverse the blade, raise it off the ground, re-
move the spring pin (1) and index pin (2). Swing the
blade to desired position and replace pins. (Figure
2) NOtE: 1. Drawbar may have to be removed on
some tractors. 2. in some cases it may be neces-
sary to remove the blade from the tractor.