Mercedes-Benz G-Class 2005 COMAND Manual User Manual
Page 179

Route guidance
Example of a traffic situation with voice
1 “Prepare to turn right” (advance notice)
2 “Turn right after 250 feet”
3 “Please, turn next right”
Manual recall of the current voice instruc-
Press left-hand rotary/push-button
Advance notice of right turn
4 Name of the street you are to turn onto
5 Arrow indicating driving direction
6 Name of the street you are travelling on
7 Distance in miles to right turn
Just before a right turn
8 Name of the street you will to turn onto
9 Right-turn arrow
a Name of the street you are now driving
b Distance graph to turning point, redu-
ces as you approach the intersection
Turning onto a street
As you approach a junction or inter-
change (e.g. I-695), COMAND will advi-
se you the direction of travel to follow
(e.g. North) as well as the name of the
In special situations, e.g. when turning
quickly several times in succession, the-
re may be deviations in the accuracy of
the voice instructions.