Appendix b utility 'genflash, Bootstrap loader – Kontron Bootstrap Loader User Manual

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Bootstrap Loader

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© PEP Modular Computers


Appendix B

Utility 'genflash'

This utility is included in the 'PEP Utilities'.

'genflash' takes the image of the Bootstrap Loader '-l' and an user-images '-i' and generates a FLASH image '-o' for a
specific board '-b'. The output-file has the exact size '-s' and contents of the installed FLASHs. This image can directly pro-
grammed into the FLASHs.


genflash -b= -i= -o= -s= [-v]



board type: VM30, VM42, VIUC, IUC, SMART, VSBC4, VSBC32PB, CM302


filename of user-image


bootloader filename


output filename


size of FLASH in Kbytes: 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096


verbose flag


help message

Note: To get images for VM62/VM642/VM662 use board type VM42.
Note: The possible size of FLASH depends on the chosen board type.