4 command reference, 1 boot wait, 2 load flash – Kontron Bootstrap Loader User Manual

Page 17: 3 memory display, Bootstrap loader, 4command reference 4.1 boot wait

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Bootstrap Loader


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© PEP Modular Computers


Command Reference

4.1 Boot Wait


bw [


Without parameters, bw displays the current setting.


Note: CPUs without an user LED or without an ABORT button have a BootWaitTime of at least 5 seconds. The Bootstrap
Loader refuses setting a BootWaitTime of 1-2 seconds.

4.2 Load Flash


If [-o[=]] [-u] [-q] [-c] [-m[=] -l[=]]


Without parameters, the FLASH is loaded using S-records over the term port.

'' is a signed 32 bit offset which is added to every record and can be used to move the S-records to the FLASH

Note: This option must be used if S1 or S2 records are used.

'-u' must be used to download over ser0.

'-q' suppress all messages except error messages.

'-c' clears all untouched sectors and leaves no old code fragments.

For a Load Flash from an absolute address, the -m / -l options must be used.

Note: On CPUs without a ser0 serial connection the Bootstrap Loader will refuse a command including the '-u' option.

4.3 Memory Display


md []


Without parameters specified, the FLASH contents starting at the beginning of the programmable FLASH area are dis-
played. This function is not limited to FLASH and other address ranges can be specified.

Note: The ResetPC in FLASH is not identical to the ResetPC from the programming source (S-records memory block).