Gastroback 42620 Design Espresso Advanced - Barista Edition User Manual

Page 13

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note: While the Pressure Gauge is a great guide to the quality of the extraction, the best

indicator is the look and taste of the espresso.

commercial style steam wand

The swivel-action steam wand easily adjusts to the perfect position for texturing milk. The

wand has a commercial style 360° ball joint.
note for frothing milk: About half of the steam wand must be

immersed in the milk.
note: If steam is already escaping from the steam wand and it is not

immersed in the milk, the escaping steam can squirt milk out of the jug.
important: Make sure that the milk does not run over the edge of

frothing jug.



not Take the steam wand out of the milk, as long as

steam escapes. Otherwise hot milk may splash out of the frothing jug.

Turn the steam dial always back to the starting position (OFF position)

before you remove the frothing jug from the steam wand. About 5 se-

conds after turning off the steam function a short burst of steam from the

steam wand occurs. Be careful not to scald yourself on the hot steam.
note: Hot steam may escape or hot water may drip from the group

head and the swivel steam wand. Therefore always ensure that the

swivel steam wand points towards the drip tray when not in use.

filter size

Adjust the FILTER SIZE button according to the filter size you select, and along with the

GRIND AMOUNT dial, the correct quantity of ground beans will be dispensed into the filter,

ready for extraction.

single wall filters
Single Wall Filters for Aspiring Baristas Experiment with grind

size, grind amount and tamp The applianceis supplied with

two Single Wall Filters - 1 x single shot and 1 x double shot.

These filters provide no additional slowing of the water flow

rate, hence experimentation with the grind size, grind amount

and tamp force is required to achieve favorable results. These