Environmental Water Systems BB 11/2” User Manual
Bb 11/2” setup

www.ewswater.com O: 702.256.8182; M-F 8:30am-4:30pm PST E: [email protected]
Meets or complies with NSF Standard 61.
Powder Coated, Corrosion Resistant Bracket Mounts Easily
20” Heavy Duty Housing Contain our Full Sized, Full Bed
Depth 5 Micron Pre-Sediment Cartridge for Optimum
Performance and Longer Life
Replacing Filters is Easy; Use the Included Spanner Wrench
to Spin Housings Off and On.
Improves Clarity
Reduces Dirt, Silt, Sediment and Rust
Installs Easily at any Point of Entry Location
Strictly for use as pre-sediment filtration to reduce
particulate material and debris in order to protect home
and/or other treatment systems
Safe for People, Pets and Plants
Upgrade Options:
EWS/CWL Series for Whole Home Filtration:
Filtration media lasts up to 10 years before replacement and have superior flow rates with no observed pressure or flow
rate loss. Filtration of self-cleaning EWS or CWL media does not degrade over usage like POE cartridge units between
needed or routine filter cartridge(s) change-out
Sink Filtration or Drinking Water Upgrade Options, Based on Consumer Preference, Need or Local Water Conditions:
For the additional drinking safeguard of lead and cyst removal (DWS)
For the additional drinking safeguard of bacterial, viral, e-coli and/or microorganism safeguard (DWS-UV)
Reverse osmosis (RO3), if applicable based on consumer preference or local water issues
Point of Entry, Pre-Sediment Filtration Unit
application for 3/4” to 1” lines
BB 11/2” SETUP
application for 11/4” to 11/2” lines
Pre-Sediment Filter for most general purposes.
20” Big Blue Housing for use on 3/4” to 1” or 11/4” to 11/2” lines. Includes superior 5-micron, 20” pure
polypropylene filter for full bed depth. These units are designed to provide the needed pre-filtration of
heavier sediment and/or particulate (dirt, rust (not iron), sand, silt) water prior to a carbon based unit, or
pH unit, or after an iron removal unit. Not a water filtration system. Will not filter chlorine or any other
VOCs. Not meant to filter iron, manganese, any odors or discoloration.
Fully Assembled BB 1” SETUP
with Spanner Wrench
These or other variations of these type of filters are NOT whole home water filtration!
These units have been mistakenly offered to distributors as inexpensive whole home filters. Refer to other
point of entry units (such as EWS/CWL Series whole home water filtration, EWS-P Series for iron removal)
which provide flow rate capabilities for a home application, backwashing, and long periods of time between
media (no filter cartridges) replacements and the actual removal of issues depending on water application.
All completely assembled units include the following standard features:
Blue 20” housing with full bed depth 5 micron pre-sediment filtration cartridge, spanner wrench to open housings for
easy filter replacement, simple to use mounting bracket