Dave Smith Instruments MONO EVOLVER KEYBOARD User Manual

Page 32

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Pitch Wheel Range: 0…12 – Sets the Pitch Bend Range of the Pitch Wheel, in

Osc Slop: 0…5 – The amount of random oscillator frequency slop. The analog and
digital oscillators in Evolver are very accurate, and will not drift. This works great for
accurate sounds, and allows precise de-tuning. The Oscillator Slop parameter allows
subtle amounts of frequency drift. For larger amounts, use a random LFO or white
noise mod.

Input Mode: see table –
Selects the external audio signal input mode.


External Audio Input Mode


The left input in goes to the left channel, right to right.

Mono Left

The left input in goes to both channels (mono in).

Mono Right

The right input in goes to both channels (mono in).

LCon RAudio

A mono audio signal is routed to the Right Input; and a
separate control audio signal (for envelope follower,
peak hold, and clock source) into the Left Input. This
allows one audio signal to control another for gating,
filtering etc.

Env Shape: Exponential, Linear – Selects whether all three envelopes have a linear
(straight line) shape, or exponential (curved). Exponential is the more natural of the

Input Hack: 0…14
– Trashes the external input signal, quite rudely. But, the analog
filter tames it nicely. A good way to mess up a clean stereo signal.

HP Pre/Post:
– This parameter selects where the High-pass Filter will sit in the signal
chain. When set to Pre(After ExtIn) the high-pass filter is inserted before the analog
low-pass filter, and only affects external audio input. When set to Post (After VCA),
the high-pass filter is placed after the analog low-pass filter and VCA (but before the
Delay) and filters the Evolver’s audio accordingly. Refer to the Signal Flow diagram on
page 8 for details on the signal path.

Dist Pre/Post:
– This parameter selects where the Distortion will sit in the signal
chain. When set to Pre(After ExtIn) the Distortion is inserted before the analog low-
pass filter, and only affects external audio input. When set to Post (After VCA), the
Distortion is placed after the analog low-pass filter and VCA (but before the Delay).
Refer to the Signal Flow diagram on page 8 for details on the signal path.