Dave Smith Instruments MONO EVOLVER KEYBOARD User Manual

Page 31

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Key GatesSeqOnce

Plays a sequence once (according to the length of
Sequence 1) when a key is hit. The sequence is not
restarted on multiple keys until it finishes and stops.

Key GateSeqOnceR

Also plays a sequence once when a key is hit, but will
re-start the sequence on each key hit. AUTO

Ext In Steps Seq

Plays one step of the sequencer on each External
Input audio trigger. AUTO

Key Steps Seq

Plays one step of the sequencer on each key hit.

Key Mode: Poly, Mono, Unison 1, Unison 2; see table – Selects the key mode
when playing on the keyboard. There are 4 groups of key modes: Poly, Mono, Unison
1, and Unison 2. Each mode has 6 basic key modes as seen in the table below.

Note: This may be somewhat confusing to have the four groups on a one-voice
instrument. The four groups are necessary when using the Poly Chain feature to
control additional voices. For this reason, the factory programs are all set to Poly,
which is ignored when playing the Evolver Keyboard by itself, but allows
polyphonic playing when another Evolver or Poly Evolver is Poly Chained.


Keyboard mode

Low Note

Low note priority


Low note priority, re-trigger envelopes


High note priority


High note priority, re-trigger envelopes


Last note hit priority


Last note hit priority, re-trigger envelopes

As mentioned above, the four groups are basically ignored when playing the Evolver
stand-alone. When Poly Chained for polyphonic playing, the Poly group is for normal
polyphonic playing; in which case the six key modes will have no effect.. The Mono
group will only play one voice. Unison will play all voices together for a very thick
sound. Unison 2 has more detuning between the voices than Unison 1.

Key Off/Xpose: Off, -36…+36 –
Enables and transposes the keyboard. If set to Off,
the keyboard note values are ignored. Otherwise, it transposes the keyboard from -36
to +36 semitones (+/- 3 octaves). It is usually set to -24 or -36 to be in the best range
for both the keyboard and the sequencer.

Note: When set to Off, the Evolver will not respond to the keyboard.

Another Note: This parameter is useful to help balance oscillator pitch ranges
between the keyboard and the sequencer. For example, if you make a Program
using the sequencer, you will likely set the Oscillator frequencies up to the desired
pitch range. But, if you then try to play this Program from a keyboard, the pitches
will likely be too high. Rather than lowering all the oscillator frequencies (which
would mess up the sequence!) you can simply use the transpose here.