Standard features – Code 3 XCEL User Manual
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you will need to start again at step 4.
Latching Auxiliary Buttons to 3 Level Switch - By moving the 3 level switch to any level, you can then press any of the auxilary buttons to add to
that Level of the 3 Level Switch. Example, Moving the 3 Level Switch to Level 1, then pressing the Auxiliary Button A (A will illuminate RED) will add
Aux A output to Level 1. After selections are made in any level, move the 3 Level Switch to next desired location and repeat process. When all levels
are programmed to the desired settings, move the 3 Level Switch back to Level 0 and press the Manual Button to move to the next step.
Auxiliary Button Type (ON/OFF, Momentary, Timed) - By pressing any of the Auxiliary Buttons, the backlighting should either be solid ON RED or
Flashing RED. If the button is solid ON RED, that means the button is in the ON/OFF setting, if the button is Flashing RED, that means this button is
momentary (or timed 8 Seconds for Auxilary Button F). Once all Auxiliary Buttons are programmed to the desired setting, press the Manual Button to
move to the next step.
Park Kill, Horn Ring In, Light Alert, Button Press Buzzer - Auxiliary Button A programs the Park Kill feature, if the button is solid ON RED, the
Park Kill is a +12V signal, if the button is flashing RED, the Park Kill input will be a Ground signal. Auxiliary Button B programs the Horn Ring In
feature, if the button is solid ON RED, the Horn Ring In is a +12V signal, if the button is flashing RED, the Horn Ring In is a Ground signal. Auxiliary
C programs the Light Alert feature, if the button is solid ON RED, the internal buzzer will beep every 8 seconds if any lighting switch is ON, if the but-
ton is flashing RED, Light Alert is disabled. Auxiliary Button D programs the Button Press Buzzer, if the button is solid ON RED, anytime a button is
pressed, the buzzer will beep, if the button is flashing RED, this feature will be disabled. Once all the features have been programmed to the desired
setting, press the Manual button to exit programming.
To change the backlighting intensity, Please follow the following instructions:
1. Move Level Switch to Level 0 (furthest to the left)
2. Turn all Auxiliary Switches off
3. Move Rotary Knob to RAD (Radio)
4. Press and hold MAN (Manual) button for at least 2 seconds (at this point the Auxiliary Button backlighting indication will turn RED) , then
5. Immediately press, in order, Auxiliary Buttons F - D - C - A
6. If entered correctly, the Air Horn button will be flashing and you can now adust the backlighting intensity.
Adjustable Backlighting - The Backlighting can be adjusted as desired. Pressing the Air Horn button will change the backlighting brightness. There
are 4 steps; Off, 30%, 70% 100% brightness. When finished making adjustments, press the Manual Button.
Standard Features
3-Level Switch - This switch is used for changing the emergency warning mode. When the 3-Level Switch is switched to the far left position, the
unit is off. When the 3-Level Switch is in the first position from the left, the level 1 configuration of the lights is turned on. When the 3-Level Switch is
in the second position from the left, the level 1 & 2 configuration of lights are turned on. When the 3-Level Switch is in the third position from the left,
the level 1, 2, & 3 configuration of the lights are turned on. Level 1, 2, & 3 activate the LightAlert. These default settings can be altered using the rear
facing dip switches as well as entering programming mode.
WAIL Rotary Knob- This position produces the Wail tone when selected. Operation of this feature is affected by SirenLock, 3-Level Switch, Park
Kill, and Title 13 features. See these sections for details.
YELP Rotary Knob - This position produces the Yelp tone when pressed. Operation of this feature is affected by SirenLock, 3-Level Switch, Park
Kill, and Title 13 features. See these sections for details.
Figure 1
To enter into Programming Mode, follow the following
1. Move Level Switch to Level 0 (furthest to the left)
2. Turn all Auxiliary Switches off
3. Move Rotary Knob to RAD (Radio)
4. Press and hold MAN (Manual) button for at least 2
seconds (at this point the Auxiliary Button backlighting
indication will turn RED) , then release.
5. Immediately press, in order, Auxiliary Buttons A - B - C
- F
6. If entered correctly, the Air Horn button will be flashing
and you are now in Programming mode, if you entered
this incorrectly, the siren will automatically return and