Code 3 Series 700 Flashers User Manual
Installation guide for model 700 flasher

Installation Guide
for Model 700 Flasher
General Description
The Code 3 Model 700 Alternating Flasher uses an electronic timing circuit to control two specially
designed flasher relays. The unit is totally weather resistant and may mounted anywhere on the vehicle
away from heat sources and direct water splashes, using either the mounting tabs at each end or the
mounting hole through the device. Outputs 1 and 2 are capable of handling up to 100 watts (8 amps.)
each. Model 700 flasher can be used as a Headlight Flasher, a non daytime running lights hot side
switching flasher or as alightbar flasher.
Terminal Functions
Terminal A - Output 1: 100 watts (8 amps.) maximum load.
Terminal B - Output 2: 100 watts (8 amps.) maximum load.
Terminal c - Flasher On: Activated by + 12VDC.
Applying +12VDC to this terminal through a user supplied switch activates the alternating flash of loads 1
and 2.
Terminal D - Input: To Battery Positive.
Supplies +12VDC to outputs 1 and 2. A user supplied fuse should be installed to protect the outputs. Use
at least 14AWG wire and 20 amp fuse.
Terminal E - To Battery Negative.
Provides ground for the unit. For best results connect directly to the negative terminal of the battery.
Terminal F - Steady burn: Activated by +12VDC
Applying +12VDC through a user supplied switch turns both outputs on simultaneously. When removed,
the unit will function normally. This feature will override all other functions.
Terminal G - Pause: Activated by +12VDC.
Applying +12VDC through a user supplied switch turns both outputs off simultaneously. When removed,
the unit will function normally.
Operation as a Headlight Flasher (12v Operation 0nly)
To operate the Model 700 as a headlight flasher, follow the wiring instructions of Diagram 1. Also, refer to
the instruction chart on page 2 for wire colors and their location for a particular vehicle.
To operate, apply +12VDC to terminal C through a user supplied switch. This will start the alternating
flash. Now, turn on the vehicle's low beam headlights. The low beam lights should burn steadily. Now.
activate the highbeam switch. High beam lights should now be on. If you do not get these results, recheck
all connections listed above.
If you wish the high beams to continue to flash while the low beams are on, do not connect Terminal G.
See Diagram 1 for additional help.
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