Autotech 10.715.098K-099K 020 4 & 5-Speed Linkage Replacement Kit for Mk1 & Mk2 Models User Manual

Installation instructions

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Installation Instructions

Part Number:



4 & 5 Speed Linkage Replacemnet Kit

Flg.3-4: is an exploded view of the shift linkage used with 020 5-speed transmissions as taken from the

Robert Bentley Repair Manual; the linkage used with 4-speed transmissions is nearly identical. You
can use this illustration as your guide for disassembling and assembling the shift linkage. In removing
the front selector rod or the rear selector rod, use a screwdriver to press back the clips on the
plastic rod ends before you attempt to detach the rod ends from the ball pins of the levers.

O n v e h i c l e s w i t h 4 - s p e e d
transmissions, the part labeled
s e l e c t o r l eve r i s s h o r t e r
replacement selector levers have
two ball pins. On vehicles with
5-speed tranmissions, connect
rear selector rod to the ball

B. On the vehicles with 4-

speed transmission, connect rear
selector rod to ball pin