Figure 2-11 – CyberData 930095K User Manual
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Installing the VoIP Ceiling Speaker
Upgrade the Firmware and Reboot the Speaker
Operations Guide
CyberData Corporation
Figure 2-11. Firmware Upgrade Page
7. Enter the IP address of your TFTP server into the TFTP Server IP parameter field.
8. Enter the firmware filename of the file to be uploaded into the New Filename parameter field.
For example, kernel filename "201-image-spk-sip.bin".
9. Click Upload File.
This starts the upload process. Once the speaker has uploaded the file, the Uploading
countdown page appears, indicating that the firmware is being written to flash.
The speaker will automatically reboot when the upload is complete. When the countdown
finishes, the Firmware Upgrade page will refresh. The uploaded firmware filename should
be displayed in the system configuration (indicating successful upload and reboot).
10. Repeat steps
if you are uploading the Kernel and Application files.
For example, Application filename "201-romdisk-spk-sip.img".
shows the web page items on the Firmware Upgrade page.
Table 2-9. Firmware Upgrade Parameters
Web Page Item
System Configuration
Shows the current configuration.
Shows the current boot loader filename.
Shows the current kernel filename for partition 1 and 2.