Limited warranty, Akwm – Sony SRF-88 User Manual
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SONY CORPOfMnm OP АМ6ЯСА l**80NY’*) «мп«т» ttO» piotfuet
dtiMIt h maMrfal
Per • piriod oM vMt tram ilw òM d imi pwchm SONY thai M US tote «nd tbMiut* optfon
modit or H$ oquholeni modN ot no chugo through e SONY SCfh/ICC COfTCR. % obuìn tNORoniy oocvioh vou muet ttke tho eioduct. or MwoMho doduet prepoMll» ono d «0 SONY S0MC6 CCNTCRS iecdotf in ttie unittd StMoh Pted d eiMhooo In tho foim d e M d oNo oriocoiptod toMOien wMch Indetto» ihit tho produci I» 9i»in d» wtTtmy pcnod. muti ho pwintid >o obNin «norrtnty otrvtcn SONY »uopwt» thot dio purehoMT totcin tho tf»»i»r*o dttod Mi d col» oc oNdoneo d «io d»to d rotai purahoto TM» orarrontv dot» not owor «oomotto tf»mo 0 « ond damago to orty poit d tho produet MdudliV th» antonno, wNeh tofuit» from oet» d God. ooeidant miauan abuaik imptopar maìntonanon or eonnoedot^ to an Imptopot uthaga aupply. TM» warronty i» Mid ody if tho oariN numbar appoaro on tho produet Thia warronty ia veld odv m tho Utitod Stotaa d Awarlco. ICmOSftSPlACSMENTASPflQVOSOUNOERTHttVIMtRANTYlSTHSeXCUJSIVEnM* OY OF THS CON 8 UM 6 II SONY SHAU NOT SE UME FON ANY INCI0SN1M. Off CONSE- QUOfTIAL OAMAOES R)ft 8 REACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR MPUEO VWRRANTY ON 1Y«8 PROOUCT. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROMBtTEO BY APPUCASIE UMl ANY MPUEO YMR> RANTY OP MERCHANMUrY OR FITNESS POR A MRTICUAR PURPOSE ON Hi$ PROOUCr IS UMITEO Ri OURAnON TO THE OURAflON OF THB WARRANTY. Soma atataa do noe alowr tho owlutlan or Rnitation d incidantat or cenaoquantiai damaga» or alow Mtadona on how tono an knplad «mrianiy laatA ae tho aboua Imitatlena or oMAdono moy not apply to tw». In oddMoiv W veu amar In» a aarvica contiaot dth tho Son» PartnaiaMp ao within90day»dthada»da»letholmltationonhoi»lensaniwplad wanant» iaaiadoaanot apphr » ve». TNa »arranty oh«n«u apooflie laoal ifohtak and vcu mar alao ha» odiar d 0 h» diloh uary Som aia» » ita» Flaaaa ider » tha lat d SONY SERVICE CENTER 8 onjhonMSoM ter dia SONY SSIYICE CENTER naaroat you. Par your oonmnianan Sony Corporation d Amarfea haa aatabiahad di Gonoar » aupply you dth produet or oorvioa Mormotion. SONY CUSTDMER RIFORMAriON CeiTER 301>S30-SONV (TESSI SONY CUSTOMER MFORMATION CENTER Sony Orhm Mal Drap M«1 Pilli RÌdoA Naur Jaraay 07666 SONY COflPORAnON OP AMERICA Sony Orhm Park Ridoe Now Jaraiay 07686 Tb odalo wananty aarvloik pleaao talea dia product, or daMr dio predo# prapald, » one d (ho foloMing Sony Sarvico Camola locaiod areund d» (Mtad Stataa. Al d (ha MteMine hama muat ho hediidad arhon dia predo# N ahippod piapaid » dia SONY «•Nanne oddiaaa and a phona oumbar urhare you may bo nodiod durino dia day. -A oopy d prod d purehaan aa auldanca di# dia piodu# la у АМ п dia taarranty porlod. -Srid daacripdon d dia produ# dadet tl40N Ata$»t «Oh »«a-raaa lOMo амгемк. CA aiaoa latai a«^raaa »rata________ cém Мам. c* аша i?Mi a«a-4aja UIC____ ___ tm»tf«CAa nmauaa» aauc_______ - a^oreoCAOttu «atai tuaowOliMrenM« амаиоамм» MoaiMduaa Hw» hw Cnw leiAOiMtoaAnm «•mn.oeaoot4 (OOP uo> rata • МММ ■■AkWM ___ 40 П04г.а400 м>1»чмм1оо»а teMM.Kaaaaia tatiraaa-ma tua миге» ure ooiiuaueorei bn>»»m«CWi mx aiireaiirei m *T аимАОтепп к ruota# аагегеайм« Prere Mmrre ON Miao tara» a4«.uaa kuiaiu ataraardOM arenrepOrere йцгеиркпиааао Mtaiaaid4t? ua иягеиг» пгем» laa мимаоа мамоге Crere шмгегеешоаеао lamuAai» 401 йгеге» ppirerxnaao taidui-aaaa •»4? a HomwkTX ìtoar mar Tararti aia» 4ГГ4000 taeiiMorni Mire r ampaio двиге«А»аи 14041 а»»мп 4ааоуг u'niDwi iiiM»rwkiiaiaa4ta laiiiauoooo aii«4i ia4aaon.___ •йгемгеатеаао44 tat4i aavaaot
-Al aupplod accoaaodat wbh dio predu#.