Tri-Tronics Pro Control® G3 User Manual
Page 5

1. Turn the receiver on.
2. Set the transmitter dial to the number you want to use to operate that
receiver (1-10).
3. Press the SET switch – the red on/off light will glow for about
five seconds.
4. Press any of the three transmitter buttons during the 5-second period.
The receiver light will blink once to confirm that your setting took effect.
5. If you want to verify that your setting took effect, muffle the speaker with
your hand and press the sound button on the transmitter.
Note that the field-setting instructions are on the label on the bottom of the
G3 receiver.
The settings will be saved even when the equipment is turned off, so you only
need to set your receivers once. Each receiver will always operate on the selected
dial number until you set it to a new number. The adhesive number labels can be
attached to your receivers so you can identify which dial number you assigned to
that receiver.
However, if you prefer, you can set your receivers each time you train. For example,
you can set them to coincide with the order in which you expect to activate them
in a particular training set-up, or you can set them to utilize particular preferred
sounds, see “Sound Selection.”
It is possible to set several different receivers to the same dial number, so a trainer
can cause simultaneous "flushes" from several bird releasers. (To undo any receiver
setting when it is no longer desired, simply set that receiver to a new dial number.)
Sound Selection
Each transmitter dial number is associated with a sound – there are a total of four
different sounds. You can train with the sounds that you prefer by choosing a
particular transmitter dial number when you set your receiver.
Different sounds at different launch locations can help the retriever know where
to look in a multiple marking set-up. Some of these sounds are louder than others,
and the double and triple tones might be the easiest for a dog to hear when the
distance to the launcher is great.
CAUTION: The sound is very loud – never operate the sound close to a
person unless you place something over the speaker to muffle the sound.
The transmitter comes with a disposable 9-volt battery installed. If the transmitter
light flashes rapidly when a button is pressed, the transmitter battery is too low for
operation and must be replaced immediately. To replace it, remove the four screws
on the back of the transmitter and replace with a Duracell or Panasonic 9-volt
alkaline battery. CAUTION: Some other brands will not fit correctly. Do not
force a battery into the compartment.
The receiver has a rechargeable NiMH battery pack. If the receiver light flashes
rapidly when the receiver is turned on, the receiver battery is getting low. The
receiver should be recharged with the included charger (use only this charger when
charging the receiver). The charging jack is on the front of the receiver and labeled
“CHRG.” Remove the protective cover from the jack and replace after charging.
The “on” indicator light will glow steadily while charging is occurring. Always
charge batteries at room temperature.
A full charge requires 14 hours. You can use the receiver after less than 14 hours of
charging but you should recharge more frequently if you charge for shorter periods.
If the Pro Control
G3 has been in storage, it is a good idea to charge the receiver
just before the training session.