Tri-Tronics Sport Junior G3 User Manual
Page 9

Sport Junior Dog Training Guide
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Sport Junior Dog Training Guide
If your dog has a very heavy undercoat,
you may need to thin it in the area where
the receiver rests so that the contact
points can reach his skin.
Don’t leave an e-collar on a dog longer
than necessary. If you leave it on too
long, your dog might develop skin ir-
ritation from the rubbing of the contact
points. Such irritation is from mechani-
cal pressure, not electrical stimulation.
Dogs vary in how long is too long for
their skin. A “rule of thumb” is to take
it off for at least 8 hours out of every 24
hours, but your dog might need to have
it off for longer than that. Examine your
dog’s neck for redness when you take the
collar off. Don’t use an e-collar on a dog
who has signs of skin irritation.
Setting the intensity to the right level is
important for best results when training
with e-collars.
Sensitivity Test
Because all dogs are individuals, we rec-
ommend that you find out what his phys-
ical sensitivity is before you start his first
e-collar Lesson. By learning this, you
can be sure that the first e-collar session
Remote training collars need to be on
tight for consistent contact. Consistent
contact is necessary for a reliable stimu-
lation sensation. If the collar is too loose,
you’ll get poor results in your e-collar
Place the e-collar high on your dog’s neck with the
collar box underneath his chin and facing forward.
[Insert the COLLAR-2 picture here.]
Always run the free end of the strap through the
D ring. You can cut the strap if it is too long for
your dog.
Use of the plastic keeper is optional.