Tri-Tronics Sport Junior G3 User Manual
Page 10

Sport Junior Dog Training Guide
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Sport Junior Dog Training Guide
Increasing the
Introductory Level
After an initial introduction to the e-col-
lar, perhaps as soon as part way through
the first session or in the second or third
session, some dogs need a slightly high-
er level. Because all dogs are individu-
als, you’ll need to observe your dog to
see whether he seems to make progress
on the Introductory Level, or needs a
slightly higher level after some experi-
ence with the e-collar.
Increasing the Level
around Distractions
Many dogs are less physically sensi-
tive when they are distracted. Therefore,
when you start practicing around dis-
tractions, you may find that the level that
was working for your dog is no longer
enough. Increase the level one step at a
time until you observe that your dog rec-
ognizes that you are using stimulation,
and responds appropriately. Often after
your dog has some practice at the higher
level, you can lower the level again and
he will respond well to the lower level.
Remember that distraction training is not
just about increasing intensity. Your dog
may also need more help understanding
what you want. You might need to train
with easier distractions at first or you
might need to put him back on the leash
or long line and give him more help
making the right decision.
Guiding your dog with a leash helps him
learn the e-collar correction and is espe-
cially important when you start training
around distractions.
does not startle your dog with stimula-
tion that is too high.
This test is a one-time test, don’t start each
session with it.
How to Find Your Dog’s
Introductory Level
Set the Sport Junior transmitter on the
lowest setting (½). When you dog is
not distracted and is not doing anything
in particular, press the Stim-C button.
Watch your dog closely for a slight
physical reaction. Typically it’s a quick
motion such as a cock of the head, twitch
of the ears, suddenly looking down at the
ground, or taking a step backward. If you
see no such reaction from your dog, in-
crease the intensity dial one level, and
test again. Keep increasing the level un-
til you see this reaction from your dog.
Very few dogs can feel the ½ setting. Most but not
all will respond by the time you are on the Sport
Junior’s level 2. If your dog is too sensitive even for
the ½ level with the continuous button, then use
the momentary button on the ½ setting instead.
A few dogs vocalize because they are
startled. But if your dog vocalizes more
than one time, you have the intensity
level too high so go back down a level
or two.
The level you’ve found is your dog’s
Introductory Level. You’ll use it when
you start his first Lesson on a command.