Welcome, Important – Schiit Ragnarok User Manual

Page 3

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Ragnarok is the ultimate amplifier—for Schiit, anyway.
No, we’re not suddenly going to be putting out an even

more super-duper amp, not after two years of R&D to

stuff in full microprocessor management of all amplifier

operational parameters, including bias, offset, and fault

protection, a 64-level relay switch stepped attenuator

and three gain levels, a whole new gain stage optimized

for the Crossfet™ architecture and offering the same

feedback level and compensation for all gain levels, and

complete, transparent handling of both balanced and

single-ended signals. Ragnarok isn’t just overbuilt—it’s

completely and utterly insane.
Ragnarok isn’t designed to compete with end-game

amps costing several times as much—it’s designed to

outperform them, and do much more while doing so.
From IEMs to speakers, from balanced inputs to

single-ended headphones, this is Schiit’s real end

game. Welcome to the end of the world: Ragnarok.


Ragnarok Universal Managed Amplifier


Power cord (for, like, well duh)


Stick-on feet (because the amp already has screw-in

feet—you’ve reached the big leagues now, guys)


Crystals, cryo-nano-dampers, alien wave absorbers,

or any other magical parts

As a managed amplifier, Ragnarok may operate differently than

you expect. Keep these things in mind when using Ragnarok:
1. On turn-on, input select, and gain select, Ragnarok does a system

check to protect your speakers and headphones. While it is doing

this, the output will be muted and the LEDs on the front will flash.
2. The volume control works like a volume control, not an endlessly

spinning pinwheel. If you turn it all the way up while Ragnarok is

doing a system check, it could be bad news for your headphones or

speakers when the system unmutes.
3. It is normal for the volume control to sound as if it mutes and

unmutes as you turn it up or down—because that’s exactly what it’s

doing, to prevent pops through the speakers or headphones.




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4/10/14 2:38 PM