Installation – Qmark RV16 - Attic Ventilators User Manual
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The unit should be installed as close to the center of the roof ridgeline as possible on the rear slope of
the roof, with uppermost portion of ventilator dome just below ridge level. See Fig. 1.
After locating unit in desired installation position on top of roof, measure from the unit to the ends of
the roof and to the ridgeline. Using these measurements, locate the spot inside the attic directly
under the spot on the roof where the unit has been placed. Locate a centerline position between two
rafters as close as possible to this established position and drill a pilot hole through the roof from the
inside. See Fig. 2.
If roof rafters are on 24” centers, cut a 21” diameter hole through the roof, using drilled hole as center. If roof
rafters are on 16” centers, cut a rectangular hole centered around the drilled hole 15” wide (or as wide as rafters
will allow) by 20” long.
With mounting plate parallel to ridgeline of roof, slide the upper outer flange of the plate under the row of shingles
just above the cutout so that the housing portion of unit can be centered in the cutout opening. See Fig. 3.
Caulking or roofing cement must be used to seal
the mounting plate to the roof, especially bottom
and side areas of flange not covered by shingles.
With unit in place, nail the top left corner and top
right corner of flange to roof decking and rafters
with galvanized roof nails. This is accomplished
by nailing directly through the aluminum plate.
Nail the bottom of the flange the same way. Check
to be sure all shingles are securely and neatly in
place over top portion of flange. See Fig. 3.
Caulking nail heads is recommended.
Installation should be water checked by using a
garden hose and spraying water directly on top of
unit. Do not spray water directly into vent opening.
FIG. 3
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
Apply Caulking
Drill Hole