Qmark Environmental Hot Water / Steam Heated Air Curtains User Manual

For installation of hot water/steam heater coils:
General recommendations:
For hot water heating coils, the hot water supply should be at a lower elevation than the return piping
For steam heating coils, the steam supply connection should be at a higher elevation than the return
piping connection. This is opposite to the hot water coils. Also, steam coils should fall downward at least
0.125 inch for each foot of coil width (Supply to Return). This is to assure that any condensation will drain
out of the coil.
Operating pressure should not exceed 50PSIG. Pressure exceeding 50PSIG
may rupture coils.
Refer to TABLE 1 for the standard widths of hot water or steam coils and the respective air curtain cabinet
widths that install with it. The slotted holes are supplied with the heater coils to facilitate the attachment of the
coils to the air curtain cabinets. The necessary hardware to attach the heater coils to the air curtain cabinets are
supplied with the coils. Hardware to mount the units to the supporting structure should be provided by your
mechanical contractor.
All installation should be done to meet local building codes. Mechanical contractor must insure
that all hardware and supporting structure are capable of supporting the combined weight of the units.
(Refer to Figure 1, 2 & 3)
1. Specific details for all models are not shown. See fig 1 for a typical assembly to identify the major
components and the orientations of each vis-à-vis each other as part of the assembly.
2. Same heater coil may be installed for left side or right side supply by just proper re-orientation of the
coil. Refer to
Table 1
for the correct connecting pipe sizes and the quantity of parts kit(s) that should
come with the width of your coil.
3. When three different air curtains are to be assembled (120” or 132”), the center air curtain must be the
correct cabinet size as shown on
Table 1.
Refer also to the
Addendum for Installation of Multiple Unit
Air Curtains
(P/N 5200-2416-000).
4. Air curtains are shipped as single units with front panels installed. To remove the front panels, loosen
and remove the knurled nuts and put both the nuts and the front panels aside to be re-used later.
Refer to Figure 2
on how the heater coil is secured to the air curtain cabinets. Do not loosen the nut
and bolt assembly which hold the front panels and the air curtain cabinets together. These will be used
to attach the heater coil to the air curtain cabinet/s. The bolts and hex nuts will pass through the slotted
holes of the heater coil. Use the 3/8” lockwashers as spacers and use flat washers with the knurled nuts
from note 4 above.
6. When front panels are to be re-installed,
refer to Figure 3.
Do not tighten the nut and bolt sub-
assembly on the heater coil side right away. Position the front panel such that the bolts will pass
through the holes of the front panel. Mark the locations of the bolts on the heater coil side, remove the
front panel and tighten the bolts in place. Re-install the front panels. Use the knurled nuts from the parts
Refer to attached Operating Instructions & Parts Manual and all applicable Addenda to Instructions for all
unpacking, electrical connections, operating, safety information and maintenance instructions. When ordering
parts it is necessary to specify exact model number for which cabinet you are ordering parts.