2 configure the networker storage node, Configure the networker storage node, 2configure the networker storage node – Dell PowerVault DR2000v User Manual
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Setting up Dell™ DR Series Deduplication Appliance as NFS Backup Target on EMC Networker
Configure the Networker Storage Node
1. Log into the networker storage node and run the command as shown, to display the NFS exports
on DR Series Deduplication Appliance
2. Make a mount point on the Networker Storage Node and mount the DR Series Deduplication
Appliance export
3. Test writing to the DR Series Deduplication Appliance export, make sure it completes successfully
4. Create a subdirectory to be used as device path in configuring DR Series Deduplication Appliance
export onto the storage node
5. If Client Direct feature will be used, on each of the client, mount the DR export and note down the
mount point. This mount point is needed in step 9 of the next section of Set up Networker
NOTE: On DR4x00 models, the maximum supported CIFS connections per Appliance is 32, and on
DR6000 model the max is 64, so there should be no more than 32 and 64 corresponding clients
connected/mapped to a single DR Series Deduplication Appliance for backup at the same time.