Update issues, 4 update issues – Dell Powervault NX400 User Manual
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Update Issues
The following section discusses various update issues.
PowerVault NAS Update Package Provided Is Not A NAS
Appliance Software
The package provided for the PowerVault NAS Initial Configuration Wizard is not a recognized
NAS appliance software package.
Workaround/Solution Ensure that the package downloaded from support.dell.com is compatible with your system.
Cannot Install The PowerVault NAS Update Package On The NAS
The wrong NAS software appliance has been provided for the system.
Workaround/Solution Go to support.dell.com and download the appropriate NAS appliance software for the system.
Unable to Detect The Dell OpenManage Server Administrator On
The System
Dell OpenManage Server Administrator cannot be found on the system.
To workaround this issue, download the latest version of the OpenManage Server Administrator
from support.dell.com.
1. Launch the installer and follow the instructions on the screen.
2. After installing the OpenManage Server Administrator, reboot the system.
3. After the system boots up, the PowerVault NAS Initial Configuration Wizard launches.
4. Complete the initial configuration steps.