Dell Equallogic PS6000 User Manual
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Configuring a Dell™ EqualLogic™ PS Series Array as a Backup Target for CommVault™ Simpana™
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Configuring iSCSI settings on the DL Backup to Disk appliance
Install all components of the EqualLogic Host Integration Toolkit (HIT Kit) on the DL Backup to
Disk appliance
If the iSCSI initiator service is not running, the HIT Kit will prompt the user to start the
service and enable iSCSI traffic through the firewall or request permission to do so
If not already configured, the MPIO component of the HIT Kit will prompt the user to
configure the firewall to allow echo requests (pings) or request permission to do so
If not already installed, the HIT Kit will prompt the user to install the Microsoft
Multipath I/O feature or request permission to do so automatically.
Once the HIT Kit is installed, a reboot of the DL Backup to Disk Appliance is required.
Once the DL Backup to Disk Appliance has rebooted, Click Start-> All Programs -> Dell ->
EqualLogic -> Remote Setup Wizard.
Click “Configure this computer to access a PS Series SAN”. Add an entry with the
EqualLogic Group name and the Group IP address.
If the SAN array was setup with CHAP authentication, then enter the CHAP logon
information as well.
Click “Configure MPIO settings for this computer”. Configure the MPIO settings and
the subnets to be included for /excluded from MPIO (For more information on
configuring MPIO, please refer to the Configuring and Deploying the Dell EqualLogic™
Multipath I/O Device Specific Module (DSM) in a PS Series SAN whitepaper).
Click on Start -> Control Panel -> iSCSI Initiator. The iSCSI Initiator properties dialogue box
Click on the Discovery tab. The IP Address of the EqualLogic Group should now be included in
the list of Target Portals.
Click on Targets tab and click Refresh. This will populate the iSCSI targets available to the DL
Backup to Disk Appliance.
Click “Log On”, and select “Automatically restore this connection when the computer
starts” and “Enable multi-path”. (Refer to Fig 2)
Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Server Manager -> Storage -> Disk Management. The
Volume is listed as an available disk. Initialize the disk as a GPT. (GPT disks use the GUID
partition table and allows for volume sizes of greater than the 2TB limitation of MBR disks)
Create a Simple Volume on the disk
Assign a drive letter to the volume.
Quick Format the volume.
Repeat this process for each EqualLogic Volume that the DL Backup to Disk Appliance will use
as an iSCSI backup target.
Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> iSCSI initiator. Click on the Volumes & Devices tab.
Click on the AutoConfigure button. This will add all the Drive Letters/ Mount points for the
EqualLogic Volumes to the list of ‘Volumes & Devices’ This is to ensure that after a reboot, the
EqualLogic volumes will be available to the CommServe.
The volumes will now be available for creating Simpana Magnetic Libraries. (For more
information on how to configure Libraries & drives, please refer to the “Library and Drive
Configuration - How To” section in the CommVault Books Online documentation)