Dell PowerEdge 2850 User Manual

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Upgrading Your Systems Management Software with the Dell OpenManage Server
Support Kit Version 4.3

All future Dell OpenManage updates will be based on Dell OpenManage 4.3 technologies.
Because version 4.4 and later will not upgrade Dell OpenManage versions prior to version 4.3,
Dell highly recommends upgrading your Dell OpenManage products to version 4.3. The
installation procedure saves your current system settings and upgrades your PowerEdge systems
to Dell OpenManage 4.3. This process ensures that your PowerEdge systems are running the
latest software and firmware updates.

Dell OpenManage Server Support Kit Version 4.3 Contents

To simplify and improve software installation and server management, the Dell OpenManage
products are organized onto four separate CDs. Each CD contains the appropriate software
products for a particular task, simplifying software installation and systems management.

Table 1 provides a description of each Dell OpenManage customer kit CD and its contents.
Use Figure 1 to locate the appropriate Dell OpenManage products that are referenced in your
Dell documentation.

Table 1.

Updated Dell OpenManage Server Support Kit Version 4.3 Contents

CD Title

Contents and Benefits

Dell PowerEdge Installation
and Server Management

Includes an operating system installation utility and all required software
applications to install and manage your PowerEdge systems. These
applications include:

• Dell OpenManage Server Assistant
• Dell OpenManage Server Administrator
• Dell OpenManage Array Manager
• SNMP agents

Dell Systems Management

Provides the necessary tools for remote or one-to-many group system
management, enables Microsoft Active Directory, and consolidates the
management applications used on the IT professional’s management station.
These tools and applications include:

• Dell OpenManage IT Assistant
• Array Manager Console
• Dell Remote Access Controller (DRAC) Console
• Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) Remote Console
• Dell Management Information Base (MIB)
• Additional console applications