Status at time of printing, For your own safety – BMW X5 4.8is SAV 2004 User Manual

Page 11

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Status at time of printing

BMW pursues a policy of continuous,
ongoing development that is conceived
to ensure that our vehicles continue to
embody the highest quality and safety
standards combined with advanced,
state-of-the-art technology. In isolated
cases, the features described in this
Owner's Manual could differ from those
on your vehicle for this reason.

For your own safety

Maintenance and repair:

Advanced technology, e. g. the
use of modern materials and high-

performance electronics, requires spe-
cially adapted maintenance and repair
methods. Therefore, only have corre-
sponding work on your BMW carried
out by a BMW Sports Activity Vehicle
center or a workshop that works
according to BMW repair procedures
with correspondingly trained personnel.
If work is carried out improperly there is
a danger of consequential damage and
the related safety risks.


Parts and accessories:

For your own safety, use genuine
parts and accessories approved

by BMW.
When you purchase accessories tested
and approved by BMW and Genuine
BMW Parts, you simultaneously acquire
the assurance that they have been thor-
oughly tested by BMW to ensure opti-
mum performance when installed on
your vehicle.
BMW warrants these parts to be free
from defects in material and workman-
BMW will not accept any liability for

damages resulting from installation of
parts and accessories not approved by
BMW cannot test every product on the
market to determine whether it can be
used on a BMW safely and without risk
to either the vehicle, its operation, or its
Genuine BMW Parts, BMW Accessories
and other products approved by BMW,
together with professional advice on
using these items, are available from all
BMW Sports Activity Vehicle centers.
Installation and operation of non-BMW
approved accessories such as alarms,
radios, amplifiers, radar detectors,
wheels, suspension components, brake
dust shields, telephones – including
operation of any portable phone from
within the vehicle without using an
externally mounted antenna – or trans-
ceiver equipment such as CB, walkie-
talkie, ham radio or similar accessories,
may cause extensive damage to the
vehicle, compromise its safety, interfere
with the vehicle's electrical system or
affect the validity of the BMW Limited
Warranty. Refer to your BMW Sports
Activity Vehicle center for additional


Status at time of printing


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