FASS T F14 200G User Manual

Page 16

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Caution: Do Not use sealant on AN fittings. Only use sealant on threads installed into pump assembly.


Insert PL-1005 into remaining fuel line using oil. Attach fuel line to the
‘E’ port of the FASS system. Torque to 18 ft./lbs. Route this line to the
engine side of the factory lift pump. Do not cut at this time.


Route fuel line from the ‘R’ port of the suction tube assy. to the ‘R’
port on the FASS system with a gentle bend. Cut and insert PL-1005
using oil. Attach fitting to the ‘R’ port. Do not use any sealant. Torque
to 18 ft./lbs.


Route suction line from the suction tube assy. to port ‘T’ on the FASS
system. Cut FL-1058 to needed length. Insert PL-1058 using oil. Con-
nect to 10-302 in port ‘T’. Torque to 18 ft./lbs.

NOTE: Hose clamps are not recommended for push lock fittings.

They will hold up to 300psi! Use oil on fittings and inside fuel line

when installing Push-Lok fittings

Note: O-Ring must be put back on suction side of pump.
Failure to do so can result in priming issues, cavitation, or
pressure loses.