EdenPURE Bio SpeedCLEAN User Manual
Authorized replacement parts form, Owner’s manual, Edenpure

Owner’s Manual
Thank you for purchasing the Bio SpeedCLEAN
UV Vacuum
Cleaner. To ensure you get the best results from your vacuum clean-
er, please read this manual first and keep it for future reference.
For additional information, please visit our website at
www.biotechresearch.com or call 1-800-895-0008.
©2009 BioTech Research I-4706 BR8625R-1(A-1 - A-4)
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ 12.1 Qt. Hepa Filter
6-pac Replacement Bags
..........................................Only $19.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ UV 12.1 Qt. Hepa Filter
3-pac Replacement Bags
..........................................Only $12.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ UV Bulb 1-pac
......................Only $16.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ Wooden Brush Roller
............Only $19.95 $_______
___ Bio SpeedCLEAN™ UV 3-pac Replacement Belt
......Only $5.95 $_______
___ Soft Extension Hose
........................................................Only $5.95 $_______
___ Attachment Wands (2 pc. set)
........................................Only $5.95 $_______
___ 2 in 1 Brush/Crevice Tool
................................................Only $5.95 $_______
Shipping & Handling: $_______
TOTAL: $_______
Authorized Replacement Parts Form
7800 Whipple Avenue NW
Canton, Ohio 44767
To order by phone: call toll-free 1-800-466-7688 Operator Code EPBSI
Monday - Friday 6am - 3am, Saturday 7am - Midnight and Sunday 7am - 11pm.
To order online: visit us at www.biotechresearch.com
Enclosed is $_________ in: [ ]Cash [ ]Check [ ]Money Order
(Make checks payable to BioTech Research)
Or, charge my: [ ]MasterCard [ ]VISA
[ ]Am. Exp./Optima [ ]Discover/Novus
Account No. ___________________________________ Exp. Date _______
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip Code: _____________
Mail this form along with your choice of payment to:
Bio SpeedCLEAN
Vacuum Cleaner