Bio-Rad ProteinChip Serum Fractionation Kits User Manual

Page 6

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© 2006 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

© 2006 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Fraction 4

1. Add 100 µl of wash buffer 4 to each well of the filtration plate.

2. Mix for 10 minutes on the MicroMix 5 (set at 20, 7, 10) at RT.

3. Place the 96-well microplate labeled F4 underneath the

filtration plate.

4. Apply the vacuum and collect the eluent into the F4 plate.

5. Repeat procedures 1–4.

Note: Fraction 4 contains the pH 4 eluent.

Fraction 5

1. Add 100 µl of wash buffer 5 to each well of the filtration plate.

2. Mix for 10 minutes on the MicroMix 5 (set at 20, 7, 10) at RT.

3. Place the 96-well microplate labeled F5 underneath the

filtration plate.

4. Apply the vacuum and collect the eluent into the F5 plate.

5 Repeat procedures 1–4.

Note: Fraction 5 contains the pH 3 eluent.

Fraction 6

1. Aliquot wash buffer 6 into the buffer tray.

2. Mix 100 µl of wash buffer 6 to each well of the filtration plate.

3. Vortex for 10 minutes on the MicroMix 5 (set at 20, 7, 10) at RT.

4. Place the 96-well microplate labeled F6 underneath the

filtration plate.

5. Apply the vacuum and collect the eluent into the F6 plate.

6. Repeat procedures 2–5.

Note: Fraction 6 contains the organic solvent eluent.

Step 7

Seal the six collection microplates and store until proceeding with
the ProteinChip array binding protocol. If the samples are to be
analyzed within 24 hours, store at 4°; longer term storage should
be at –20°C.

Step 8

Dispose of the sample plate as biohazard waste if human serum
sample is used.

Step 9

If you only used part of the filtration plate, put the filtration plate
back in the pouch; seal and store at 4°C.

Ordering Information

Catalog #



ProteinChip Serum Fractionation Kit, includes 1 x 96-well
ProteinChip Q filtration plate packed with Q ceramic HyperD F sorbent,
buffers, sealing strips, instructions


ProteinChip U9 Buffer, for serum fractionation kit, 20 ml


ProteinChip Serum Fractionation Kit Replacement Buffers,
includes wash buffers 1–6


ProteinChip Q Filtration Plate, 1 x 96-well


ProteinChip CM10 Arrays, A-H format, 12


Biomek 3000 Workstation Integration Package, includes Biomek
3000 workstation Windows XP operating system and 17" flat-panel
monitor, integrated custom mixer/shaker, Biomek software with
CFR 21 Part 11 compliance capability, wash station, 8-channel pipet,
wash tools, vacuum system