Bio-Rad Chromatographic Surfaces User Manual

Page 3

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bioprocessor; however, individual arrays can be removed if needed.
To do this, remove the bioprocessor reservoir before taking any arrays
out of the cassette. Be careful not to touch the spots on the array.
A pair of ProteinChip array forceps (catalog #C20-10002) helps
effectively remove the arrays from the cassette (see Figure 2).

Technical Considerations


Increasing the concentration of organic solvent in the
binding/washing solution will increase the selectivity of the
surface (only the most hydrophobic proteins will be retained with
higher organic solvent concentrations). Use a shorter wash time
(2 minutes or less) during the wash step after sample binding if
the washing solution contains more than 20% organic solvent


Increasing the salt concentration will increase hydrophobic
interactions and therefore can be included in the binding buffer.
Suggested salt concentration range is 50–1000 mM. Higher salt
concentrations are likely to adversely affect reproducibility


Prewashing the ProteinChip array in 50% acetonitrile or
methanol before sample binding may increase spot-to-spot


To obtain optimum performance, prewet the spot with 5 µl of
binding buffer before applying sample


When using a bioprocessor, make sure there are no air bubbles
in the wells. To avoid introducing bubbles, lower the pipet tip
very close to the spot surface while dispensing sample. Empty
the wells completely between washes

© 2006 Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.

Fig. 1. ProteinChip cassette and

Fig. 2. Removal of ProteinChip arrays
from cassette using array forceps.