Bio-Rad MicroRotofor™ Cell Lysis Kits User Manual

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Each MicroRotofor run using 2.5 mg total protein yields ten
150–250 µl fractions, and the protein distribution among
the fractions will vary depending on the sample. For example,
using spinach leaf extracts and ampholytes spanning the
pH range 3–10, fractions 3–5 typically contain the highest
amounts of protein.

Certificates of analysis and MSDS forms are available upon

Items Supplied With Kit

Protein solubilization buffer (PSB) (contains urea,

25 g

thiourea, NDSB 201, and Tris)

PSB diluent (contains CHAPS and Tris)

30 ml

ReadyPrep 2-D cleanup kit

1 kit

Instruction manual


Items Required But Not Provided

• 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes
• 14 ml disposable culture tubes with closures (VWR

catalog #60818-725)

• Microcentrifuge capable of spinning at 20,000 x g
• Sonicator with probe


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