Step 6, Bisensor installation, Option b – Baseline Systems WaterTec S100 User Manual

Page 8: Option a

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WaterTec S100 Manual Aug06 Rev. 1

Step 6

biSensor Installation

The biSensor has several burial requirements.
There must be good contact between the soil
and the biSensor, and it needs to be buried lying
on its side. If buried flat, the biSensor readings
can be wrong due to moisture pooling on the
surface of the biSensor. The biSensor should be
buried 4” to 6” inches deep in turf areas and
deeper for planters and tree areas (root zones).

(Option A)
1. Using a shovel or edger cut out a piece of

sod approximately 1-foot long by 6-inches
wide in the area where you plan to bury
the biSensor.

2. Carefully remove the sod and try to keep the

roots intact.

3. Dig a small trench the length of the biSensor

in the exposed dirt.

4. Insert the biSensor into the trench, burying it

on its long edge. If buried flat, biSensor
readings can be wrong due to moisture
pooling on surface of the biSensor.

5. Remove any rocks or gravel that are touching

the surface of the biSensor to ensure there
are no air pockets.

6. Cut a slit back to the valve box for the

communication wires. Take care to bury
them deep enough to avoid damage from
aeration or other activities.

7. Using a bucket of water saturate the soil

surrounding the biSensor and compact the
soil around it tightly.

8. Refill hole, replace sod and saturate the area

thoroughly. Once saturated, compact soil
firmly around the biSensor. The biSensor must
make good contact with the surrounding soil.

(Option B)
1. With a flat blade shovel, cut a slit in the grass

where the biSensor will be placed. Widen
slit with a back and forth motion.

2. Place the biSensor in the slit horizontally so

the top of the biSensor is 4”-6” deep.

3. Remove any rocks or gravel that are touching

the biSensor to ensure there are no air pockets.

4. Cut a slit back to the valve box for the communication wires. Take care to

bury them deep enough to avoid damage from aeration or other activities.

5. Using a bucket of water saturate the soil surrounding the biSensor and compact

the soil around it tightly.


Note: Ensure biSensor is buried 4”-6”

below grass line for optimal

readings. This depth also prevents

future damage, i.e., aerators, etc.


Re-cover area and
heavily saturate with water.

Cut slit into grass

about 12” long

by 6” deep...

then work shovel

back and forth to

create a slot for the biSensor

Re-cover area and
heavily saturate with water.

Cut slit into grass

about 12” long

by 6” deep...

then work shovel

back and forth to

create a slot for the biSensor

Bury biSensor

4” TO 6” deep

Bury biSensor

4” TO 6” deep


Bury biSensor

4” TO 6” deep

Re-cover area and
heavily saturate with water.

Dig 6”X12”
section and ...

peel back sod

with roots intact.

Bury biSensor

4” TO 6” deep

Re-cover area and
heavily saturate with water.

Dig 6”X12”
section and ...

peel back sod

with roots intact.