Great Plains TS1000 Trailer Sprayer Operator Manual User Manual

Page 18

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Great Plains Mfg., Inc.




TS1000 Trailer Sprayer 500-111M

Using GPM .34 and pressure 30 P.S.I., you would se-
lect a nozzle from your nozzle chart that comes clos-
est to providing the desired output.

Step 3

Turn on your sprayer and adjust the pressure. Operate
the sprayer at desired pressure and catch the dis-
charge in the calibration container for one minute. Di-
vide 128 into the number of ounces caught to
determine gallons per minute (GPM) per nozzle. 128
fluid ounces equals one gallon.

Step 4

Determine your nozzle spacing in inches.

Example: 1 nozzle every 20 inches.

The above information will assure you of a check for accu-
rate application in the event there is an error in the gauge,
nozzle spacing, nozzle height, tractor speed or nozzle
wear. Since all tabulations are based on spraying water,
conversion factors must be used when spraying solutions
which are heavier or lighter than water.

If sprayer is equipped with a Raven 440 Automatic Rate
Controller, this simple calibration procedure will also work
for verifying speed and proper nozzle output.

GPM = GPA x MPH x W (nozzle spacing)




Nominal application pressure 30 P.S.I.


Target application rate

20 GPA


Target speed

5.0 MPH


Nozzle spacing

20 W (in)

GPM = 20 GPA x 5 MPH x 20 W (in) = .34



OPM (ounces per minute)

÷ 128 = GPM (gallons

per minute)

44 OPM

÷ 128 =.34 GPM


GPA (gallons per acre) = 5,940 x GPM(per nozzle)

MPH x W (nozzle spacing)


GPA = 5,940 x .34

5.05 x 20

GPA = 2020


GPA = 20

All Raven 440 Control Systems require either wheel drive
speed sensor magnets or a radar speed sensor. Calibra-
tion procedures for the speed sensor magnets can be
found in the Raven 440 manual. Calculation procedures
for radar speed sensors are included with each radar unit
dependent on make and model. Make sure to follow initial
programming instructions (Step 3) of the Raven manual to
select either SP1-(wheel drive sensor), or SP2-(radar