ClearOne PANVP700 User Manual
Page 4

NS-0106-7149, Addendum
All specifications subject to change without notification. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2006 NetStreams
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Press and hold the Menu button on the PAN6400 remote for two seconds.
Lights on the PAN6400 will flash on and off. This means you’ve entered Learning mode.
Press the down arrow.
The LED turns from green to red. The first red light under “Source” indicates you are on the first step of IR Learning.
Use the left and right arrow keys on the remote to select the source you want to program.
When the LED on the front of the PAN6400 is on for that source, that source is being programmed.
Press the command (such as “Play”) you want to program on the PAN6400 remote.
The second red light under “Source” activates. This indicates you have completed the second step of IR Learning.
The LEDs on the PAN6400 that are labeled “Display” are used for the sources.
When learning source IR, the Display LEDs on the PAN6400 indicate the source being learned. For example, if the
LED for Room 1 is lit, Source 1 is being programmed. Room 2 is Source 2, and so on. Since only four sources are
available for programming, the Room 5 and 6 LEDs are reserved for special functions.
From the remote for the source, press the button to be learned into the PAN6400.
Press the button again on the source remote.
If IR is learned, the room and source LEDs will once again light in and out.
If IR is not learned, the source LEDs flash rapidly.
To exit Programming mode, press the Menu button.