Air tube disc clutches and brakes, Operating features – Wichita Clutch LK Brake User Manual

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Air Tube Disc Clutches and Brakes


Wichita Clutch 800-964-3262

P-1100-WC 1/12

Low Inertia and Very Low Inertia Clutches and Brakes




Ring Shims

Multiple Spud










Friction Disc


Center Plate


Floating Plate

Very Low Inertia

Drive Plate Assembly

with Bonded or

Riveted Pads

Operating Features

The Wichita Air-Tube Disc Clutch com bines
all the best features of the disc type clutch with
all the advantages of direct air engagement.
The simplest and most trouble-free method of
applying air pressure is through direct axial
pressure ap pli ca tion by com pressed air in a
special com po si tion full-circle tube.

Wichita Clutches engage smoothly without
noise, shock or impact and release com plete ly
in a fraction of a second. Extremely fast action
is possible because of the small volume of air
re quired.

Clutches may be slipped moderately to control
the acceleration rate.

When large inertia loads are powered from
electric motors, smooth, controlled slip starts
by Wichita Clutches can keep power demands
below the allowed max i mum.

Heat generated by controlled slipping or
high cycle rate operation is dissipated by
the cen trif u gal blower design of these units.

Wichita Low Inertia and Very Low Inertia
Clutches and Brakes are de signed to be
com plete ly free from effects of cen trif u gal
force and self energization.

Torque developed is in direct proportion to air
pressure ap plied.

These clutches and brakes interface well with
automated controls through simple air and/or
electric circuits.

Water cooled, copper disc clutches are
available for use when power trans mis sion
needs require excessive or con stant slipping
which demands higher heat
dis si pa tion.

Wichita Clutches operate perfectly when
teamed with Wichita Brakes in pro duc tion
situations requiring tension control, cyclic
duty, or positioning.

Wichita Brakes have the same outstanding
performance characteristics as Wichita
Clutch es.