Winchester Repeating Arms 1873 User Manual

Page 9

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Various exposed metal parts of your new firearm have

been coated at the factory with a rust preventative

compound. Before firing your rifle, clean the anti-rust

compound from the inside of the barrel, receiver and

the action-chamber areas. A fine, light gun oil is ideal

for removing this compound and for giving your new

firearm its first lubrication. However, any quality

firearm oil may be used. Clean the barrel using a

cleaning rod and patch as explained under “Cleaning

and Maintenance Suggestions” on pages 28-30. If your

rifle is to be stored, it is acceptable to leave the rust

preventative compound on the rifle and keep it in its

original packaging.
Before the first firing of your Model 1873 you should

first wipe the mechanism completely clean. Clean the

bore and apply a few drops of quality oil on the

following surfaces (Figure 4):

• Along the surface of the striker assembly.
• Along the sides of the hammer.
• On the finger lever pivot point.

Avoid applying too much oil. Only a light film is

necessary. Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions

should be followed before each oiling.







always KeeP the haMMer in the halF-cocK
Position unless shooting is iMMinent. always
KeeP the MuZZle Pointed in a saFe direction.
Failure to Follow these warnings could
result in serious injury or death.

Like many classic lever-action rifles with an exposed

hammer, the Model 1873 does not have a separate

manual “safety.”
While you should never rely on the half-cock hammer

position to function as a “safety,” the exposed hammer

itself is an ideal safety status indicator since it alerts

you when the rifle is cocked and ready-to-fire or when

the hammer is in the half-cock or dropped position.

The hammer has three positions: Full-cock, half-cock,

and dropped or fired.







The hammer is in the full-cock position when it is

fully to the rear (Figure 5). At this point, any pull or

force on the trigger could allow the hammer to fall,

firing the rifle. The hammer can be placed in this

position in either of two ways:

• Every time the lever is cycled, the hammer is

placed in the full-cock position.

• The hammer may

also be placed at

full-cock by manually

moving it rearward

with your thumb

until it engages the

full-cock notch.


Lightly oil the rifle at
these points.



The hammer in the
fully-cocked position.