Winchester Repeating Arms 1873 User Manual
Page 5

be alert to the signs oF aMMunition
MalFunction. iF you detect an oFF sound
or light recoil when a cartridge is Fired,
do not load another cartridge into the
If your firearm fails to fire, keep the muzzle
pointed in a safe direction for a minimum of 30
seconds. Carefully rotate the top of the firearm
away from you, open the action and remove the
cartridge from the chamber. If the primer is
indented, the defective cartridge should be
disposed of in a way that cannot cause harm. If
the primer is not indented, your firearm should
be examined by a qualified gunsmith and the
cause of the malfunction corrected before further
use. Glance down the barrel to make sure that no
obstructions remain in the barrel. Completely
clear the barrel before loading and firing again.
Failure to follow these instructions can cause
extensive damage to your firearm and possible
serious injury to yourself and others.
11 never insert a cartridge oF the incorrect
caliber into any FirearM.
The caliber of your firearm is marked on the
barrel. Store all cartridges of different calibers in
completely separate and well-marked containers.
Never store cartridges of mixed calibers in a
common container or in your pockets. See page 20
for more information on the correct ammunition
for your firearm.
12 exaMine every cartridge you Put in
your FirearM.
We assume no responsibility for the use of unsafe
or improper firearm and ammunition
combinations or damage or injury caused by
damaged ammunition. It is your responsibility
to read and heed all warnings in this owner’s
manual and on ammunition boxes. See page 20
for more information on the correct ammunition
for your firearm.
13 use only saaMi aPProved aMMunition.
The barrel and action of this firearm have been
made with substantial safety margins beyond the
pressures developed by established American
commercial loads. Nevertheless, we can assume no
liability for incidents which occur through the use
of cartridges of nonstandard dimensions or which
develop pressures in excess of commercially
available ammunition which has been loaded in
accordance with standards established by the
Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’
Institute (SAAMI).
14 MaKe sure oF adequate ventilation
in the area that you discharge a FirearM.
lead exPosure can occur FroM
discharging FirearMs in Poorly
ventilated areas, cleaning FirearMs
or handling aMMunition.
Lead is a substance that has been known to cause
birth defects, reproductive harm and other serious
injury. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure to
ammunition or after cleaning a firearm.
15 do not snaP the Firing Pin on an eMPty
chaMber; the chaMber May not be eMPty!
Treat every firearm with the respect due a loaded
firearm, even though you are certain the firearm
is unloaded.
16 KeeP your Fingers away FroM the trigger
while loading and unloading until
shooting is iMMinent.
17 be sure oF your target and bacKstoP,
Particularly during low light Periods.
Know the range of your ammunition. Never shoot
at water or hard objects.
18 always unload your FirearM’s chaMber
beFore crossing a Fence, cliMbing a
tree, juMPing a ditch or negotiating
other obstacles.
Never place your firearm on or against a fence,
tree, car or other similar object.