Winchester, Model 1892, Lever-action rifle – Winchester Repeating Arms 1892 User Manual
Page 2

You Are Responsible for Firearm Safety ................................2
General Description and Operation ......................................9
Nomenclature ........................................................................9
Serial Number ........................................................................9
Initial Cleaning and Oiling .................................................13
Operation of the “Safety” ....................................................14
Rebounding Hammer ...........................................................16
Ammunition ........................................................................18
Loading ................................................................................19
Firing ....................................................................................23
Unloading ............................................................................25
Sight Adjustment .................................................................26
Takedown Models ................................................................28
Cleaning and Maintenance Suggestions .............................36
Parts, Service, Repair and Questions ...................................39
Website Information ............................................................41
The Model 1892 was born from the incredible success
of the Model 1886 when it became obvious that a
smaller caliber version would be an extremely useful
addition. Like its predecessor, the Model 1892 features
dual, vertical locking lugs for impressive strength in a
more compact, even faster handling size.
The popularity of the Model 1892 is legendary.
Admiral Peary carried one on his quest for the North
Pole. It was a favorite of Annie Oakley, and the first
choice for the legendary actor John Wayne. Hundreds
of thousands of ranchers and hunters have chosen the
Model 1892 over the competition for over a century.
Important instructions for the
Model 1892
Lever-Action Rifle
Winchester Repeating Arms
Customer Service Department (United States)
275 Winchester Avenue
Morgan, Utah 84050-9333
Phone: (800) 945-5237
If you have any questions or comments regarding
your new firearm, please feel free to write or call us.
Use the space below to record information about
your new firearm.
Model __________________________________________
Serial Number ____________________________________
Caliber __________________________________________
Grade ___________________________________________
Purchase Price ____________________________________
Purchased From ___________________________________
Date of Purchase __________________________________