Warranty – Waring WSB40 User Manual

Page 4

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to wash and sanitize the Quik Stik plus



1. Rinse the exterior and interior stainless steel portion of the Quik Stik Plus


under running water. Scrub and flush the exterior and interior stainless steel

portion to dislodge and remove as much food residue as possible.

2. Wipe down the exterior of the plastic housing and the stainless steel

portion of the Quik Stik Plus


with a soft cloth or sponge dampened with

the washing solution.

3. Immerse approximately 3/4 of the length of the stainless steel portion in

a container of the washing solution and run for two (2) minutes on High.

4. Repeat steps two (2) and three (3) using clean rinse water in place of the

washing solution.



is a registered trademark owned by the Clorox Company.

nOte – IMpOrtant

In Order tO MInIMIZe tHe pOSSIBILItY Of SCaLdIng,

teMperature Of tHe WaSHIng SOLutIOn and rInSe

Water MuSt nOt eXCeed 115°f (46°C).
5. Wipe down the exterior of the plastic housing and the stainless steel

portion of the Quik Stik Plus


with a soft cloth or sponge dampened with

the sanitizing solution.

6. Immerse approximately 3/4 of the length of the stainless steel portion in a

container of the sanitizing solution and run for two (2) minutes on High.

7. dO nOt rInSe after SanItIZIng IS COMpLete.

Allow to air dry before use.


dO nOt IMMerSe pLaStIC MOtOr HOuSIng In WaSHIng

SOLutIOn, rInSe Water, Or SanItIZIng SOLutIOn.

preVent LIQuId frOM runnIng IntO pLaStIC HOuSIng

BY WrIngIng aLL eXCeSS MOISture frOM CLOtHS Or

SpOngeS BefOre uSIng tHeM.




LIMIted One Year WarrantY

Waring warrants every new WARING COMMERCIAL PRODUCT to be

free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 year from the

date of purchase when used with foodstuffs, nonabrasive liquids (other than

detergents) and nonabrasive semi-liquids, proving it has not been subjected to

loads in excess of the indicated rating.
Under this warranty, Waring Commercial will repair or replace any part which,

upon examination, appears to us to be defective in materials or workmanship,

provided the unit is delivered prepaid to the Waring Service Center at 314 Ella T.

Grasso Avenue, Torrington, CT 06790, or any Authorized Service Center.
This warranty does not: a) apply to any unit which has become worn, defective,

damaged or broken due to use, repairs, or servicing by other than the Waring

Service Center or an Authorized Service Center or due to abuse, misuse,

overloading or tampering; b) cover consequential damages of any kind.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights

which vary from state to state so that certain limitations or exclusions set forth

above may not apply to you.
WARNING - This warranty is VOID if the appliance is used on

Direct Current (D.C.)


Refer to the list of Authorized Service Centers enclosed with your Waring

Commercial Product for the name of the nearest Service Center, or contact

Waring in one of the following 3 ways:

1) Mail:

WARING Service Center

314 Ella T. Grasso Ave.

Torrington, CT 06790 USA

2) Phone Product Service:

(800) 4WARING or (800) 492-7464

3) Internet:

E-mail: [email protected]

Ship units for repair to the above address or to an Authorized Service Center.

Do not ship to a Waring Sales Office.