Before you begin, Intended use, Operation – Waring WSB40 User Manual

Page 3: Cleaning instructions

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BefOre YOu BegIn

NOTE: Always unplug the Waring


Quik Stik Plus



Blender before cleaning the metal blade.

Before using the Quik Stik Plus

, Waring suggests that you wipe the unit

with a clean, damp cloth to remove any dirt or dust. Place the metal blade

end of the hand blender under running water to rinse it. Dry thoroughly

with a soft absorbent cloth. Read all instructions completely for detailed

operating procedures.

Intended uSe

The Waring


Quik Stik Plus


Immersion Blender is intended for use

in restaurants, large kitchens and small companies when mixing and

liquefying. You can operate directly in the pot to mix everything from soups,

stews, creams and salad dressings to pancake mixes, pastes, sauces, mayon-

naise and much, much more. For nurseries or for special diets use the Quik

Stik Plus


to prepare purées of vegetables, porridge, fruit creams, etc.


1. Plug unit into outlet.
2. Plunge the Immersion Blender into the pot. dO nOt SuBMerge

MOre tHan 3/4 Of tHe SHaft LengtH.

3. The Immersion Blender has 2 switches. The safety switch is located on

the top of the handle and the power trigger switch is located on the inner

handle. To start unit, press the safety switch and the power trigger switch

simultaneously. The safety switch will need to be pressed only once to

start the unit. You do not need to hold down the safety switch for the unit

to continue running; the unit will remain on as long as the power trigger

switch is depressed.

4. Select the desired speed, Hi or Low, by using the switch on the top handle.
5. Angle the Immersion Blender slightly and start to stir only when the blade

is immersed. Keep the blade off the bottom of the pot so that ingredients

will not be sucked up by the vortex action.

6. Remove the Immersion Blender from the pot only after blender has come

to a complete stop.

nOte: Always unplug Immersion Blender after each use. Keep the

appliance out of reach of children.
• To prevent splattering, be careful never to remove the Immersion Blender

from liquid while in operation.

• When a recipe calls for ice, use crushed ice (not whole cubes) for

best results.



NOTE: If a piece of food becomes lodged in the Protective
Guard surrounding the metal blade, follow the safety instructions
noted below:

1. Release the power button and unplug the unit from the electrical outlet.
2. Once the power source has been disconnected, use a spatula to

carefully remove the food lodged in the blade guard. Avoid injury.

The blade is sharp.

dO nOt uSe YOur fIngerS tO reMOVe LOdged


3. After the lodged food has been removed, plug the unit back into its power

supply and continue processing.

CLeanIng InStruCtIOnS

tHe QuIK StIK pLuS


IMMerSIOn BLender MuSt Be

CLeaned and drIed aCCOrdIng tO tHe fOLLOWIng

InStruCtIOnS after eaCH uSe.

for food Service applications

• Wash, rinse, and sanitize the stainless steel portion of the Quik Stik Plus


prior to initial use, after each use, or whenever it will not be used again

within a period of 1 hour.

• Clean and sanitize the plastic motor housing prior to initial use and after

each use.

• Washing solutions based on non-sudsing detergents, and chlorine-based

sanitizing solutions having a minimum chloride concentration of 100 PPM

are recommended.

The following washing, rinsing, and sanitizing solutions, or their equivalents,

may be used.


SOLutIOn prOduCt

In Water



Diversey Wyandotte 4 Tbls./Gallon Hot 115°F (46°C)

Diversol BX/A



Plain Water

Warm 95°F (35°C)




1 Tbl./Gallon Cold 50-70°F (10°-21°C)

Institutional Bleach

• In repetitive use applications, frequent cleaning will prolong life.